I think Newton's Batman suffered from the editorial/writer decision to bring back Robin and the Batmobile, and other more campy characters like Batgirl and the Penguin, and others of the more silly and campy villains, that brought Batman away from the more mature and atmospheric creature-of-the-night of the Robbins/O'Neil/Adams/Novick/Giordano era (circa 1970-1975).

No, i liked the writing on several of the stories Newton drew including Haven. It wasn't the writing I objected to. I just didn't care for the way he himself drew Batman.

My reference to Swan was because I see both of them as having a very down-to-earth almost naturalistic style, especially as compared to people like Rogers and Golden who were more abstract. Even Adams and Aparo who drew realistically had more of an inclination toward the abstract, with interesting panel layouts and angles and the other highly stylized aspects of Batman like the flowing capes.