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Pre-Show Match...

A -- IC champion WADE BARRETT vs. THE MIZ -- Intercontinental Title match

The stadium looked completely packed, unlike during the pre-show last year in Miami when empty seats could be seen atop the stadium. In the ring, Barrett controlled the action early on as the crowd felt out the match. Barrett cut off Miz's comeback, then teased The Bullhammer elbow, but Miz ducked. Miz flowed right into the figure-four leglock center-ring. Barrett reached for the ropes, then finally reached back to grab the bottom rope.

Barrett then used the ref to cause confusion allowing Barrett to nail Wasteland for a very close two count. Miz then took down Barrett by the ankle and flowed right into the figure-four leglock. It appeared he practiced that all week, as it looked clean. Barret then tapped out, giving Miz the win and the IC Title. After the match, Miz celebrated in the ring, then celebrated with family members on the front row.

WINNER: Miz via submission at 4:06 to capture the Intercontinental Title.

Of note, it's now raining in the stadium.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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Results courtesy of (direct link to Caldwell's real-time report).

The opening match is Orton, Sheamus and Big Show vs The Shield.

Hunker down's going to be a long night.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
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WrestleMania started with Sheamus and Reigns battling in the ring. Sheamus had enough of battling Reigns, so he tagged in Orton, who teed off on Rollins, who also tagged into the match. Orton got the crowd fired up, then Orton tagged in Sheamus as Big Show sold slight frustration not receiving the tag. Ambrose tagged in next for The Shield, then walked into a powerslam from Sheamus.

Show had enough of waiting on the outside, so he slapped Sheamus to make a tag. Orton and Sheamus tried to remain calm, then Show welcomed Ambrose to WrestleMania by opening up his protective vest and chopping away at his chest. But, Ambrose came back with a dropkick to the knee to take down Show. Shield then began exchanging tags working on Show.

Show eventually broke free and tagged in Sheamus, who cleaned house on Shield. Sheamus then ripped off Rollins's protective vest to open up his chest for the Ten Forearm Strikes in the corner. He followed with ten forearms to Ambrose's already-exposed chest. Back in the ring, Sheamus dropped Ambrose and Rollins with rolling drops before climbing to the top rope. But, Reigns knocked down Sheamus to the floor. This brought over Orton to battle, then Rollins went flying through the ropes for an attempted suicide dive, but he missed Orton and ate the guardrail.

Back in the ring, Shield set up Sheamus for the triple powerbomb and Reigns delivered it simultaneous to Show re-entering the scene to spear Ambrose. Bodies everywhere in the ring. After a reset, Sheamus crawled across the ring to tag Show, but Orton tapped Sheamus on the head to enter the match before Show got the tag. Orton cleaned house on Shield as the camera focused on Show trying to remain calm. Orton then stalked Ambrose for the RKO, but he turned to RKO Rollins in mid-air. But, Orton ate a spear from Reigns a split-second later. Ambrose then covered Orton for the pin and the win.

On the apron, Show just watched in frustration as Orton slowly rolled out of the ring. JBL said this could be the greatest three-man team in history. Shield then left the ring and disappeared through the crowd while the face trio regrouped. Show asked Orton what he was thinking, then started jawing. Sheamus then entered the ring to play peacemaker, but Show awkwardly jabbed Sheamus with the KO Punch. Orton asked what he's doing, then Show took out Orton.

WINNERS: Shield at 10:35. Basic storytelling of Team Show unable to work together as individuals on one team. Meanwhile, Shield continues to pick up impressive wins. (**1/4)

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
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As the sun set on MetLife Stadium, the two big-men came together for a face-to-face greeting. The crowd was buzzing for the match-up before the two men collided mid-ring. They started trading bombs, with more boos than cheers for Ryback. Henry then destroyed Ryback with a body-press splash that put Ryback on the mat. Henry then delivered a running powerslam for a one count.

After a reset, Ryback tried to suplex Henry, but Henry blocked and lifted Ryback over the top rope onto the ring apron. Henry then ran Ryback shoulder-first into the ringpost. Back in the ring, Henry targeted Ryback's lower back to slow down the pace as various crowd signs became the focal point, including a "Win for Ware" sign referring to Louisville basketball player Kevin Ware who went Sid Justice in the Elite Eight last Sunday. Henry had enough of the bearhug and rammed Ryback to the floor. "That's what I do!" Henry shouted as Ryback recovered on the floor.

Ryback re-entered the ring and Henry re-engaged the bearhug. Ryback tried to escape, but Henry continued to punish his back. Henry then scoop-slammed Ryback before reapplying the bearhug, drawing boos from a restless crowd. Ryback finally broke free and drove Henry to the corner to escape. Ryback then shoulder-shrugged the crowd in a Feed Me More chant before smashing Henry with a clothesline.

Ryback wanted to finish Henry and he delivered Shell-Shock, but appeared to injure himself. They went to a finish where Henry fell on top of Ryback, squashing his head. Ryback sold unconsciousness, then Henry rolled over Ryback and pinned him for a clean win, shocking the crowd.

Post-match, trainers checked on Ryback, then Henry decided he wasn't done and tried to punish Ryback some more, but Ryback clotheslined him. Ryback then delivered Shell-Shock to save face and get his heat back. It appeared Ryback was on the verge of tears as he leaned against the ropes trying to celebrate for the crowd.

WINNER: Henry at 8:03. It's time for Henry to get back in the World Title picture after this victory. Meanwhile, Ryback continues to carry the label of "Can't Win The Big One." Slow at times, but an overall good big-man battle. (**1/4)

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
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3 -- WWE tag champions DANIEL BRYAN & KANE vs. DOLPH ZIGGLER & BIG E. LANGSTON (w/A.J. Lee) -- WWE Tag Title match

After the bell sounded, Ziggler asked for A.J. to hop on the ring apron for a good-luck kiss as D-Bryan watched. They played off Bryan's 18-second World Title loss to Sheamus at last year's Mania, then Ziggler turned around and ate a kick to the head from Bryan. Bryan covered, but Ziggler kicked out just before three. Great 23-second intro. After they played off WM28, Big E. tagged in to start displaying his power. Big E. and Ziggler then began exchanging tags working on Kane. Meanwhile, Lawler cracked a Civil War joke that A.J.'s family is so crazy that she fought for the East. Cole and JBL let that sit, no-sold, and went back to calling the match.

Kane made a comeback against Ziggler as Cole tried an "air-traffic control" line before Kane crashed to the mat when Ziggler ducked. Ziggler then tried a top-rope move, but Kane intercepted with a smash to the face. Kane tried to cover Ziggler, but Big E. flew onto Kane with a big splash to his back. Big E. dropped his straps and wanted a power-move on Kane, but Kane flung him to the outside, where Bryan knee-smashed Big. Back in the ring, Ziggler surprised Kane with the Zig-Zag, but Kane kicked out.

After a reset, A.J. tried to get involved, but she didn't help. Kane then chokeslammed Ziggler before tagging in Bryan, who came off the top with a diving headbutt as A.J. freaked out ringside. Bryan covered Ziggler and it was good for the win, with the timekeeper ringing the bell in-between two and three for good measure.

Ringside, A.J. freaked out, then tried to help her men recover as Bryan and Kane stood triumphantly in the ring, now on the same page and still tag champions. WWE then went to a slow-motion replay of Kane's chokeslam, with Ziggler having a terrific facial expression selling the move.

WINNERS: Kane & Bryan at 6:18. No break-up and no title change. Team Hell No must continue. Big E. was impressive in his limited role, while Ziggler submitted another rent check in his enhancement spot. Whether it's a misdirection for Ziggler to cash in MITB tonight or tomorrow remains to be seen. (**1/2)

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
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After the bell sounded, Fandango danced and strutted around the ring. Jericho had enough and speared Fandango for a quick two count. Fandango then did a back-flip over Jericho, posed, and Jericho codebroke him out of the ring. Jericho then splashed Fandango on the outside and rolled him back into the ring. Back in the ring, Fandango surprised Jericho with a kick to the face. Fandango then did a dance-pose over Jericho, prompting JBL to cut a promo on Fandango for posing at WrestleMania when facing a future Hall of Famer.

At 5:00, Jericho made his comeback. Jericho with a Thesz Press, then repeated punches to the face. Jericho lost control, though, and Fandango made a comeback. Fandango climbed to the top rope and nailed the surfboard leg drop, but Jericho kicked out in-time. JBL said that's got to be it for Fandango's upset attempt. Jericho then tripped Fandango on the top rope, causing Fandango to drop to the mat.

Jericho reset, then placed Fandango on the top turnbuckle. Jericho wanted a superplex, but Fandango headbutted Jericho to the mat. Fandango then went for a second surfboard leg drop, but Jericho moved. Jericho wanted the Lionsault, missed, and sold that he tweaked his knee. But, Jericho tried to go for the Walls of Jericho, but Fandango rolled him up and scored a clean three count.

Post-match, Fandango rolled out of the ring, shocked with his victory as JBL said this is a huge upset. Fandango danced with his dancer as Jericho recovered in the ring, then limped across the ring, selling the knee injury.

WINNER: Fandango at 9:10. Fandango held his own and looked good in the ring. Good use of Jericho to establish a new star if WWE follows through. Overall, lots of surprising outcomes tonight, trying to plant seeds that Punk can beat Taker's Streak tonight.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
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5 -- World Hvt. champion ALBERTO DEL RIO (w/Ricardo Rodriguez) vs. JACK SWAGGER (w/Zeb Colter) -- World Title match

Del Rio knocked Swagger to the outside after the opening bell, then kicked him into the announce table. Back in the ring, Swagger took control and tried to run Del Rio into the ringpost, but Del Rio kicked him away, targeting the shoulder. Del Rio then kicked Swagger in the head repeatedly. But, Swagger kicked Del Rio in the left knee to slow him down. Moments later, Del Rio came back with a release German Suplex. The crowd, restless, began chanting for something they wanted - either Ziggler, Ryder, or something else.

At 7:00, Swagger found an opening to slap on the Patriot Lock. The crowd didn't buy the teaser of Del Rio submitting, then Del Rio countered into the cross arm-breaker. Swagger pushed Del Rio away, then countered into the Patriot Lock, which got a reaction this time. Del Rio reached the bottom rope for a break, then tried to re-apply, but Del Rio remained in the ropes.

Swagger wanted a Swagger Bomb, but Del Rio slipped out and kicked Swagger in the head. Both men recovered on the mat, then Del Rio delivered an enziguiri kick, but Colter put Swagger's foot on the bottom rope to break up the three count. This brought over Ricardo, who Colter kicked. Colter then grabbed one of Ricardo's crutches and Del Rio grabbed the other. This allowed Swagger to sneak-attack Del Rio before blasting him into the guardrail.

Swagger took his time rolling Del Rio back into the ring, then Swagger took his time re-entering the ring. This allowed Del Rio to pounce on Swagger with the cross arm-breaker. Swagger tried to fight it, but eventually tapped. They cut to former N.Y. Giants player Michael Strahan celebrating the victory, then cut to Colter freaking out with a great facial expression ringside. Back to Strahan, along with Michelle Beadle, for a celebration before Del Rio was shown celebrating in the ring.

WINNER: Del Rio via submission at 10:29. Perfectly fine singles match, but never really reached the next level. Another two-star match on a two-star undercard. (**1/4)

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
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6 -- THE UNDERTAKER vs. C.M. PUNK (w/Paul Heyman) -- Taker's Undefeated Streak On The Line

Punk entered the ring, the bell sounded, and Taker went after Punk as if they were in an MMA fight. Punk then ducked a right and slapped Taker, who chased Punk out of the ring. Punk re-entered and slapped Taker, then walked into a big-boot from Taker. Big buzz in the stadium for this match. Taker had enough of this and chucked Punk to the outside, where he ran Punk into the ringpost. Taker measured Punk for strikes as a dueling chant picked up of "Under-taker / C.M. Punk." Taker then did his old-school leg drop across Punk's throat on the ring apron.

Back in the ring, Taker went to work on Punk's shoulder as Cole said Taker is not only fighting for Paul Bearer's honor, but the memory a lot of the WWE Family has of Bearer. Taker then went for an Old-School walk-the-ropes, but Punk countered with an armdrag across the ring. Punk smirked, then hopped to his feet and punched and kicked Taker on the mat. Punk then went Old-School by walking the ropes before dropping a fist to Taker's arm. Punk smirked to himself as the crowd cheered, then covered Taker for a nearfall.

Punk went to work on Taker as Heyman held out the urn a la Paul Bearer. Taker had an opening, but then missed a corner attack and ate the turnbuckle knee-first. The match then moved to the floor, where Punk landed a double-axehandle smash to Taker. Back in the ring, Punk went to work on Taker, but Taker dumped Punk to the floor. Taker then wanted to fly over the top rope, but Heyman hopped on the ring apron to block. Taker teased chokeslamming Heyman, but Punk came flying off the ropes to splash Taker for a nearfall.

They reset, then Punk dropped Taker to the mat and climbed to the top rope. Punk wanted a Macho Man elbow drop, and he connected. Punk covered, but Taker kicked out. Heyman sold exasperation with Punk being very close. Punk felt it, calmed himself down, and then called for the GTS. Punk got Taker in the air, but Taker slipped out and delivered a super-chokeslam. Taker covered, but Punk kicked out.

At 12:00, Taker slowly recovered, then the two men came to their feet and traded bombs. Taker then delivered a big corner splash before snake-eying Punk, but Punk intercepted the big boot with a flying kick for a two count. The dueling chant picked up, then Taker took Punk to the outside. Taker cleared the Spanish announce table, then wanted a Last Ride Powerbomb, but Punk escaped and kicked Taker in the head. Taker rested on the announce table, then Punk climbed to the top rope. "This is about history," JBL whispered. Punk wanted a flying elbow drop onto the table, but he came up just a bit short, landing with a thud. Actually, on another replay, Punk landed the move, but the table didn't break and he only grazed Taker. After the replay, Punk re-entered the ring and Taker made it back in at nine.

They reset and Heyman told Punk to do whatever he has to do to win. Punk sold a knee injury, then slowly crawled toward Taker, who sprung on him with the Hell's Gate submission. But, Punk countered into a jackknife pin for a nearfall. Punk then flowed into the Vice. He tried to pin Taker out of the Vice, but Taker sat up and flashed The Eyes to Taker. Punk tried to ignore it and nailed GTS, but Taker bounced off the ropes into a Tombstone on Punk. Big reaction as Taker hit the Tombstone, then the crowd exploded when Punk kicked out just before three.

The crowd buzzed as the two men reset before trading bombs from their knees. Punk headbutted Taker, but Taker absorbed a kick to the chest, no-sold, and the ref was bumped. Heyman distracted Taker, then Punk kicked Taker into the corner. Punk nailed the running knee, but Taker positioned him for the Last Ride. In the background, Heyman handed Punk the urn, which Punk blasted Taker with before he could hit the Tombstone. Punk then did the Taker pin, the ref slowly counted, but Taker kicked out. Heyman just fell down to the ground on his knees. "Why?!" Heyman said with hands on head.

At 21:25, the match reset, then Punk did the Taker throat-slash. Punk wanted the GTS, but Taker elbowed out. Punk again teased the GTS, but Taker blocked. Taker took a deep breath, flipped Punk onto his shoulders, steadied themselves, and delivered another Tombstone. Taker covered and this time it was good for the three count. You just can't kill the dead at WrestleMania.

After the match, Taker rolled out of the ring, grabbed the urn, and brought it into the ring. After a replay of the great sequences during the match, they cut back to Taker with tears in his eyes standing in the ring. Taker then knelt down as 21-0 flashed on the video screen. Taker then knelt down and posed before the urn as fireworks shot off in the stadium. "One of the greatest things I've ever seen, guys," JBL said. The camera pulled back from the top of the stadium as 21-0 lingered on the scoreboard, then WWE cut back to Taker leaving the ring with the urn in-hand. Smoke then filled the rampway as Taker slowly made his way to the stage, where he did his customary one-arm pose before lightning flashed. Taker then disappeared to the back.

WINNER: Taker at 22:07 to retain The Streak. They were so good at making people believe The Streak was in jeopardy. Even if people were 100 percent sure Taker was winning, they told such a good story that the journey to see how Taker would continue The Streak was worth a full investment. (****1/4)

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
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Miz. Ugh. It sucks to be a heel in the 'E. Big waste of Wade here, imo. Miz as IC champ...just...ugh.

Glad Team Hell No go the win, but they really need to pull the trigger on Dolph cashing in the briefcase and, maybe, getting to look a little something like championship material when he does. See also: Barrett, Wade.

Henry looks to be next in line for a good feud with the World Champ. I think Vince may be completely over Ryback. And, I don't mind at all if that is the case.

Swagger looks to be one and done in his feud with ADR. The Tea Party gimmick never really caught on--save for in the case of Dutch being the heat machine for the duo as Zeb Coulter--and I think the arrest may have doubly damned Swagger when the realization hit Vince that the gimmick was dying. Hopefully, Swagger will take a vacation and we'll see Zeb looking for someone new to lead. IMO, Zeb and Cesaro would make a great team if they played the cards right in building them as a unit.

Jericho is the ultimate team player. Put Fandango over pretty nicely there. Props to both. The Fandango thing could really work for the guy you love to hate type gimmick so long as Vince doesn't shove it down our throats too much.

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Almost forgot, good for the Shield that they got the win over Show, Sheamus, and Orton. I hope they move these three into something title related now and with a few more singles matches. Let Show and co. feud between themselves and Randy turn heel (perhaps for an ADR feud down the road if he is getting any trust built back up with Vince and Hunter).

UT and Punk was never in question, but I hope I can buy just this match when the show is available on dvd/download. Probably the show stealer and the only thing on a too predictable card that I really have an interest in seeing.

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8 -- TRIPLE H (w/Shawn Michaels) vs. BROCK LESNAR (w/Paul Heyman) -- No Holds Barred, Anything Goes -- Triple H's career on the line

Lesnar attacked Hunter, who then took the match to the floor. On the floor, Lesnar picked up a chair, but Hunter clotheslined Lesnar off the guardrail to the floor, with the back of Lesnar's head bouncing off the floor. That didn't look good. Back in the ring, Hunter tried to use the chair, but Heyman yanked it away from the outside. The match then moved back to the floor, where Hunter ran Lesnar into the ring steps, opening up a slight cut. Not much heat on this through the first four minutes. Then, Lesnar measured Hunter and suplexed him through the previously-indestructible Spanish Announce table, which was obviously rigged in-between matches so that it would break.

After the table spot, Lesnar tossed HUnter into the table scraps, bouncing the back of Hunter's head off the floor. The announcers stressed the match story to this point of Lesnar enjoying destroying Hunter. Lesnar then chased off Michaels when he got a little too close. Back in the ring, Lesnar held up his arms for a reaction, which drew a mix of cheers and boos. The audience just doesn't seem to know how to react to Lesnar. Lesnar then continued the assault as Heyman shouted from ringside that it's only a matter of time.

At 8:20, Lesnar grappled Hunter and delivered a release German Suplex. Heyman shouted at Hunter to put an end to the beating, but Hunter fought back. Lesnar then dumped Hunter clear over the top rope to the floor as the crowd remained quiet. On the outside, Lesnar stalked Michaels, who stood his ground before Hunter waited for Lesnar to turn around so that he could clothesline him. Hunter then clotheslined Lesnar over the guardrail into the front row.

Back in the ring at 11:00, Lesnar came back with a German Suplex for a two count. Heyman got on the ring apron, then Michaels got on the ring apron from the other side, so Lesnar smashed Michaels in the mouth. Lesnar smirked, then walked back to Hunter, who delivered a spinebuster. Hunter tried to re-gather himself, then wanted the Pedigree, but Lesnar countered. Suddenly, Michaels entered the ring, Lesnar blocked Sweet Chin Music, and Lesnar gave him the F5. Lesnar then turned around and took a Pedigree to little heat, but Lesnar kicked out before three.

After they replayed the nearfall, Hunter was shown returning to the ring with Sledgehammer in-hand. But, Lesnar blocked a sledgehammer shot and hit the F5. Lesnar covered, but Hunter kicked out just before three. Tit-for-tat kicking out of finishers. The match returned to the floor, where Lesnar popped Hunter with a chair shot before throwing him into the ring steps. As Lesnar paced the ringside area, one fan's audio was picked up: "C'mon, Brock, just end his career," almost pleading for the match to end. Lesnar then bashed Hunter with the ring steps before chucking the ring steps into the ring.

Lesnar rolled Hunter back into the ring, then throat-slashed the hard-camera. Lesnar grabbed the ring steps, then popped Hunter in the shoulder before covering for a nearfall. "Torture him all night long!" Heyman shouted audibly from ringside. Lesnar was slow to follow up, which gave Hunter an opening. But, Lesnar slapped on the kimura lock. Hunter fought the hold, then Lesnar sat on the second rope to apply more pressure to the arm. But, Hunter lifted Lesnar into the air and slowly transitioned to a spinebuster to break the hold.

Hunter and Lesnar reset, then Hunter crotch-chopped Lesnar, who ate the ringpost going for a corner charge. Hunter followd with a low-blow, then he wrapped Lesnar's arm around the ringpost. Hunter grabbed a chair as Michaels was spotted passed out/reclining/taking a nap leaning against the guardrail in the background.

Back in the ring, Hunter slapped on the kimura lock. Heyman, desperate, decided to enter the ring and grab a chair, but Michaels entered the ring and superkicked Heyman. They re-focused on the kimura lock, which Lesnar teased tapping out to. But, he refused to tap as the crowd came to life, then lifted Hunter into the air to slam him onto the ring steps. But, Lesnar couldn't follow up, so Hunter re-applied the submission, only to have Lesnar slam him onto the steps again. After a pause, Hunter re-applied and this time Lesnar twisted the arm back a la how Lesnar "broke" Hunter's arm in 2012. Lesnar waved his hand up and down teasing tapping, but Lesnar summoned power to slam Hunter onto the ring steps again. Or, did Hunter DDT Lesnar on the way down? Apparently he did.

At 23:00, they reset away from the ring steps. Hunter then grabbed the sledgehammer and measured Lesnar to pop him in the head. Hunter wobbled around the ring, then forced the energy to do his Triple H Pose. Hunter grabbed Lesnar and dragged him onto the ring steps for the Pedigree onto the steps. Lesnar bounced down to the mat, Hunter recovered, and pinned Lesnar for the pin and the win.

Post-match, Shawn Michaels entered the ring and the camera focused on Michaels having a bloody lip/nose. Michaels and Hunter embraced, then Hunter cleared the ring before WWE replayed high-points from the match.

WINNER: Hunter at 23:58. This one of those matches where the audience knew the result of the journey and didn't feel like taking the ride, unlike Taker-Punk. And, similar to Summerslam when the first match occurred. They had a great final two minutes with Lesnar teasing tapping out for a long time, but it wasn't enough to save it. (**3/4)

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
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The final match of the night is underway between John Cena and The Rock. Apparently the eight-person tag match has been scrapped. I'll be back at the top of the hour with the result. Thank you.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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8 -- WWE champion THE ROCK vs. JOHN CENA -- WWE Title match

Rock and Cena went through an early feeling-out process as the announcers talked about what would happen if each man won and lost. JBL said for Cena, he would carry the label of "Can't Win The Big One," and be the Jim Kelly of WWE - four-time Super Bowl-playing QB Hall of Famer, but never won the Super Bowl.

At 7:00, Rock slapped on a sleeperhold to take control of the match. A light "boring" chant started, then faded out. Cena escaped, then dropped Rock and smirked toward the crowd. Lawler claimed, "This crowd is split 50/50," trying to play up the narrative even though it was 90/10 for Rock. Or, 70 Rock/10 Cena/20 disinterested. Cena then delivered a shoulder tackle, audibly shouted, "Drop down," to Rock, then Rock dropped down, and Cena airballed Rock. After a weak mid-ring exchange, Rock applied the Sharpshooter, but Cena escaped and hit a sit-out slam.

Cena stood up and smirked, then very slowly leaned down over Rock and hand-waved him. Cena slowly bounced the ropes, but missed the fist drop. Rock then DDT'ed Cena and cussed out Cena, who very slowly reached his feet. Rock wanted Rock Bottom, but Cena countered with the STF. Cena visibly whispered in Rock's ears some instructions for the next spot, which Lawler claimed was Cena "talking smack." Cena then slingshot Rock into the corner, then delivered the Five-Knuckle Shuffle.

Cena wanted an Attitude Adjustment, but Rock countered with a spinebuster. Rock wanted the People's Elbow, but Rock grabbed Rock's leg and flowed into the STF. The crowd didn't buy it as a potential finish, then Rock broke free. Rock then hit Rock Bottom center-ring. Rock covered, but Cena kicked out. Rock then casually walked around the ring before walking into the Attitude Adjustment. It was only good for a two count, though.

Cena then took his time climbing to the top rope, where he missed with a guillotine leg drop. Rock followed with the People's Elbow, then covered for a two count. Cena rolled to the ring apron, then rolled clear down to the floor. Rock then slowly scooped up Cena on the floor and rolled him back into the ring. In the ring, they traded bombs before Cena went for a flying cross-body splash, but Cena intercepted, then powerlifted into the AA, but Rock countered with Rock Bottom. Again, though, Cena kicked out. (It's worth noting Cena's kick-outs have been a beat too early, killing the drama of the nearfall.)

Rock and Cena reset at 18:30 with Rock stalking Cena, then wanting the People's Elbow again, only turning it into You Can't See Me. Rock then wanted the Shuffle, but Cena popped to his feet and hit the AA, reversing roles from the finish of Cena-Rock last year, but Rock kicked out of this pin attempt. Cole noted the role-reversal, but it didn't cost Rock the match, unlike Cena last year.

At 20:00, they slowly reached their feet. Cena jabbed Rock, then again. Rock responded and they traded bombs. Teased finishers, then Cena hit Rock Bottom for a close nearfall. Cena entered Actor Mode reacting with his face to the nearfall. Cena then slowly unfolded two fingers to the ref, asking, "Only two?" Next, Cena stood up, checked his hand, looked down at Rock, then decided to tease the People's Elbow, just like last year. Cena mockingly did Rock's pose, then Rock stood up. Only, this time, Cena held the ropes when Rock popped up. Cena, thinking he suckered in Rock, then wanted AA, but got too cocky posing for the hard camera, and Rock countered with Rock Bottom. But, Cena kicked out. Great sequence.

They reset at 23:00 with another AA tease from Cena. But, Rock intercepted. Another tease. Another one. More blocks. Rock then hit a DDT center-ring. Rock then stood up and waited for Cena to get up, which took a while. Rock wanted another Rock Bottom, but Cena ducked and hit the Attitude Adjustment. Cena immediately covered and it was good for the win.

WINNER: Cena at 23:58 to capture the WWE Title.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
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Top contender for worst WrestleMania ever. Period.

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 Originally Posted By: iggy
Top contender for worst WrestleMania ever. Period.

Won't get an argument from me that's for sure.

Well...see you all next time...whenver that is

Last edited by PixieP; 2013-04-08 2:07 AM.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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See you on the next biggest news day in wrestling! ;\)

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