Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

"Carlos Danger" would be a great RKMB alt.

Cue MEM claiming that the use of the alias "Carlos Danger" was actually Weiner's outreach to Hispanics. ;\)

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
I've heard previously that Hillary is a lesbian.

I used to work with an orthopedic surgeon who started his career in the airforce, and he told me that he knew a Marine who went on to be assigned to Air Force One in the Clinton years, who had said with certainty that Hillary is a lesbian...

Yeah. A friend of mine who worked in a law firm that had ties to the DNC said pretty much the same thing. A secret service agent made a similar disclosure to my dad during a fishing trip.

And the Huma rumors go back to at least 2007.

Again, not saying I believe Huma's a dyke. Just reporting that some do.

The muslim sleeper agent rumor would seem to contradict the lesbian girl-toy scenario...

Well, as noted above, I'm not saying I believe it. However, she'd hardly be the first hard liner (of any religious faith) to be a secret homosexual (cue MEM bringing up Larry Craig and trying to derail the thread). ;\)

And what better way to assuage fears of radical Islamiscim (sp?) than marrying a Jew?

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Weiner's withdrawal