Originally Posted By: Rob
because it looks neato. and freakish. and gross. and scary. it's an artistic twist that i like.

So all villains should be that way in your mind?

overall, its just a visually nice and new (all be it temporary) spin of "FUCK he's crazy"

This doesn't strike me as being necessary to make the point that he's insane and obsessive.

Some villains are visually grotesque and disgusting whereas some aren't. It seems proper for some, but not for others, and I really can't get behind the idea that the Joker is made more awesome by virtue of being visually scary and/or nauseating.

Would I be against a storyline that has him getting his face disfigured? Nah. But I wouldn't try to turn that into a character defining trait. Joker's not Two-Face, Scarface, Clayface, or any other face. He's just Joker.

Yeah, I wouldn't like this Snyder character's stuff it looks like.