Originally Posted By: Grimm
I drink considerably less. mostly due to lack of money and time to go to bars. but it does leave me time for other things.

of course, I have just had a friend die from alcohol related liver failure. gives you pause.

One of my closest friends, named Jennifer, died in October 2003 of some kind of alcohol-related stroke/seizure. Her sister told me the autopsy was inconclusive. But her doctor had warned her, she knew her liver was failing, and was losing her vision as well.
I kept in touch with her by phone after we graduated college, and I couldn't see her decline when I visited her once a year or so since 1991. She'd confessed to me when she got each of her two DWI's, and the 2nd time had her driver license suspended for a year. And I wondered why she didn't renew her license after that. Her sister told me after the fact that it was because her vision was severely impaired. And yet she kept on drinking.

She was so much fun when she wasn't under the influence. Personality plus! And she was gorgeous, 5' 7" with honey blonde hair, and a face and body to die for. I wish I had photos to post here to show you.

So I feel for you, Grimm. I know what it's like to lose a friend to alcohol.