I'll take Johns over Bendis any day ot the week. I fucking loathe Bendis. He can barely respect his own continuity, much less the larger Marvel Universe.

I think Soule is currently one of the best writers in comics. He's owning it at DC with Superman/Wonder Woman, Swamp Thing and Red Lanterns. He's also managed to lift Marvel's Thunderbolts out of the dregs and shape something amazing out of it.

Ewing is the real stand out right now. Everything he touches is pure magic. His Black Widow story for Age of Ultron (Avengers Assemble #16AU, I think) was one of the best reads all year. Mighty Avengers is easily one of the most entertaining reads on the stands, despite it's obvious niche gimmick.

Morrison is currently penning Multiversity and a Wonder Woman project for DC. Ellis recently put out Endless Wartime for Marvel, as well as co-writing current issues of Avengers Assemble with Kelly-Sue Deconik. He'll be writing Moon Kight, starting next spring.

I'm going to dissagree that the writing for DC is sub-par. It could simply be that I've a stronger affinity to DC characters, though. I find I get more bang for my buck with nearly any DC book, where only a handful of Marvel titles resonate with me. Uncanny Avengers makes up for a slew of Marvel's shortcomings though. That's easily the finest superhero comic on the stands.

If karma's a bitch, it will be my bitch!