This hilarious parody firmly plants Klingons at the center of the Christmas story—where they rightly should be—including everything from a Santa equipped with retractable claws, tribbles in the stockings of naughty Klingon boys and girls, and the spirited holiday warmth of a hot cup of mulled blood wine. Illustrated in a classic Norman Rockwell–inspired style, A Very Klingon Khristmas is the perfect holiday gift for every Star Trek fan!

I especially loved this customer review:


Seared Into My Klingon Heart
By Adam Burkard on October 29, 2013

I was so inspired by this book that I killed all of my enemies in glorious battle immediately after reading it! Admittedly, a tear was brought to my eye when the baby Kahless was given his first D'ktahg and the prophecy was foretold that he would be the one to vanquish Molor and unify the empire. Further in, I was flooded with memories of Khristmases long ago, when my father stuffed my stocking with toys taken from his slain enemies for being an honorable child while my brother was locked in his room with a stocking stuffed with a tribble and a morsel of bread for running away from a fight earlier that year. Ah, to be a young warrior again. !Qa'Pla!