Marathon over.

Yeah. Voyager sucks.

The last season of DS9 was a tad disappointing. Bashir got almost unbearably self-righteous. Ezry was no less annoying than Jadzia. Garak And the Pa Wraiths were puffed up throughout the season before making only one appearance, at which point they just disappear.

I would rather they had taken a different direction with this 'prophets-wraiths' crap. Sisko could have adopted the point of view that the controlling nature of the prophets made them just as undesirable as the wraiths. A kind of 'make your own destiny' aspect that challenged the 'prophets can do no wrong' narrative that stayed 'til the end.

As it is, the Pa Wraiths only seem to exist to give Sisko a big baddie to kill off at the end--not to mention a reason to leave.