Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

Again: WATCHMEN and KILLING JOKE look exactly the same. It doesn't matter in which order they were published. They still look exactly the same, with the identical bland 9-panel page-grid, that manifests they strictly followed a script and gave relatively little input to the script as an artist. (as compared to the many other examples I gave of Don Simpson, Michael T. Gilbert, Alan Davis, Gary Leach, and David Lloyd on other Alan Moore stories, where the artist contributed noticeably to the project).

I frankly think Moore is being generous to Dave Gibbons, in giving Gibbons credit for what story ideas he offered, and including Gibbons in the process. But I think any other artist would have contributed similarly.
Gibbons' art is unspectacular and functional, WATCHMEN was still an Alan Moore show all the way.

You THINK is not fact.
Why on Earth would Moore suggest Gibbons contributed as much as he says if he didnt? that makes no sense.
You were not privy to the creative process, and Moore was, so who are you to question that?

As for Watchmen looking like Killing Joke, I still have no idea what you are talking about. So what if they have the same page layout, the art looks nothing like each other and the stories are totally different. When I pick up a comic book all I care about is the story and the art, not how many fucking panels are on a page. And you also have no idea how much input Bolland had either. Its nothing but pure supposition on your part.

I might as well say that Jack Kirby had no input on comics he drew and didnt write, as all his shit looked the same. But I wont say that as I have no idea what input he had, cause I wasnt there.
But the one fact I do know, is I have seen stamped on dog shit that looks better than his art.