Just finished watching Hell on Wheels' second season.

That fucking sucked.

Every single ancillary character ranges from boring to unlikeable--especially the token angry, home-wrecking black guy for whom I simply cannot give a damn.

The only side-story that held even a modicum of interest for me was the Swede using his lower status to socially engineer everyone into rioting and unrest. But it went in a stupid "Natural Born Killer" direction where he now suddenly keeps this 'likes to kill' ethos that he was trying to attach to Bohannon in an effort to create some sort of archetypal relationship between the two of them. The Swede was a conniving lone shark, not a fucking sociopath.

Killing off Lily Bell was the absolute worst thing they could have done and essentially guarantees that I won't keep watching. Aside from Durant and Bohannon, she was the only reason I kept an eye on the show. Bohannon and Durant could support the show if it focused more on them and less on all the boring sidestories and half-baked romantic drama....But I know that's not going to happen.