Yeah, I heard that Bob Harras was removed as editor in chief because he completely bungled the sales opportunity for the Marvel line to market itself during release of the first Spiderman movie.

I'm not thrilled with Quesada's reign either, though I have to admit their cover design is much better and more sophisticated looking. The last title I enjoyed monthly from Marvel was their YOUNG AVENGERS series, for about a year or so. It had a fun early-Marvel feel to it.

I have every issue of the Marvel run of GROO, including the 6-issue sqarebound GROO CHRONICLES series that reprinted the earliest series from Pacific Comics. I still think these are the best issues. I loved the little one-line morals to each story, and joked to my girlfriend at the time that religiously, I was a Groo-ist. She loved GROO too, once I turned her on to it!

I stopped reading about a year into the Image Comics run, after they left Marvel/Epic, at which point for the first time I saw the art and storytelling decline in quality.
I also have the DEATH OF GROO Marvel graphic novel. They also published a harder to find LIFE OF GROO graphic novel that I never managed to locate.