I started off being a loyal reader of DC, until I found Claremont's X-men in my early teens. First issue I bought was UXM #175, and mostly because there was nothing else left on the newsstand. the first half of the book has Mystique brutally carving through a bunch of Arcade's robot X-men. I was transfixed. The writing was just so much better than anything I had ever read in a DC book.

Nowadays I tend to follow the writers rather than the characters. Discovered Matt Fraction's fun, classy work on Hawkeye a few months' back. Never had any time for Hakweye as a character but this is just tremendous writing. That led me to Fraction's acclaimed indie work on Sex Criminals (I think it is an Image comic?). Finished Rick Remender's run on X-force yesterday and was really moved by Wolverine's killing of Daken, even though I knew what was coming, mostly because of the character's haunted reaction to the loss of what might have been. Really liked Rucka's first arc of Batwoman, explaining the link between Kate and Alice: the rescue of Kate from terrorists where she looks at her mother's and sister's bodies made me curse out loud. Enjoying Bendis' work on All New X-men. Loved Avengers: Arena. Loving Gaiman's return to Sandman with Overture.

So, I'm bouncing around from Marvel to DC to Vertigo to image, lured by the writing, not the publishers' stables of characters.

Pimping my site, again.
