Happy New Year!

....Though....I'm not exactly going to be "happy" with it though until I'm at my new job, successfully absconded from the monotony of the past two years.

Anywho, my colleagues and I had bunch of conversations over the past year over where we are as opposed to where we should be in terms of cultural development and technological advancement. When it came to the former, it was always me listening to the same old shit about how right wing authoritarian governments and evil capitalists slowed us down, thus preventing us from having colonies on the moon and the political/racial/sexual harmony that's standard of your typical Roddenberry-esque utopian sci-fi pulp fantasy. When it came to the latter, it was always me going on a tirade about how inflation, massively increased regulation, uncontrolled immigration, and social engineering commie fucks have hurt our ability to maintain what we have much less cultivate a general desire and a means to design and invent more.

I absolutely believe that, had the west not suffered such a severe cultural and industrial slowdown, we would have had enough time and resources on our hands to develop the technology required for interplanetary space travel and already have a craft made that could travel between planets at practical velocities.

More importantly though, I believe there would be far more efficient farming technology like crops and orchards that use robotic pickers/maintainers.

We agreed, however, that the only thing that hasn't slowed down (and probably won't) is our computing technology. We all agreed we'd get to see and use a fully high function quantum computer around the next thirty years or so.

.....Then again, holographic technology probably got short-changed by the economy even if computers haven't.

 Originally Posted By: Stupid Doog
It's still 2012. Nobody has learned. Nobody cares. The clock ticks, the second hand moves to 61. A couple kisses under harsh lights, a couple fights under soft fluorescents. the only change is a calendar that flips from December to January. Other than another month flitting away the only fulfilled memory is of another year of regret; a year without border, without love, without completion. Happy new year.

Why on earth would Frank Miller feel compelled to come to this obscure, archaic messageboard and guess Doog's password?