Mary Sue is kind of making the claim without outright stating it.

It's perfectly believable Though. I have no doubt that DC/CW will butcher the original story to cater to feminazi agendas. Just ask the guy who drew the 'crying Batgirl' cover.

The reality here is that the money stemming from superheroes is derived from franchises and not from the actual serials/cartoons. That's why Didio and friends can get away with turning the Bat-books into a PC nightmare with resurrections and retcons that favor feminist/LGBT/racial "diversity" despite a blowback in sales: the so-called "milestone issues" serve as a prelude for huge budget films and TV series', the sales of which eclipse any possible income from a monthly book.

Does anyone know Uschi's Twitter or other similar faggy social media accounts? I'm curious to know whether or not she'd approve of this at this point in her life since she went bull-dyke.