Even when it's over, it's not over:


Sources with ties to Hillary Clinton’s campaign are concerned that Twitter enthusiast and former Congressman Anthony Weiner might write a book about his intimate involvement with the Clintons, whom he has known for years.

“One of the things they’re deeply worried about is that Weiner has no income and is not employable,” says a source who has worked with the campaign. “He has one thing — a book.”

Weiner and his long-suffering wife Huma Abedin — a chief aid to Hillary Clinton — separated last week after the former Congressman was caught up in yet another sexting scandal. This one involved a flirtatious photo Weiner sent to a woman he hadn’t met in which his infant son is resting just inches from his crotch. In the aftermath of that debacle, NY1 announced that they had placed Weiner on “indefinite leave” from his gig as a political commentator on the cable news network. This paper also decided against running columns penned by Weiner after learning of the illicit tweets.

According to our insider, who’s worked with several major political candidates, Weiner’s insight into the campaign would be a big selling point for any publishing house.

“He has a point of view no one has,” says our source. “It's a close intimate look into Hillary’s personal life. It could be a million dollar advance. If he doesn’t get what he needs from this divorce, who knows?”

Our source says that any potential book deal would come too late to effect the November election, but could be a big distraction should Clinton be elected president and bring Abedin to Washington D.C., which she’d almost certainly do.

“It’d be especially bad if Hillary wins and is in the White House when this comes out,” we’re told. “It would be very embarrassing for Huma.”

However, Weiner told us by email on Friday that any buzz about him penning a tell-all is a work of fiction.

“Zero truth to this,” he said.

A Clinton campaign spokesman said "We won't comment on unsubstantiated rumors and gossip."

"Zero truth to this", says Weiner. Until he actually does it.

He has such an outstanding record with telling the truth. (i.e., only telling it when someone is about to release a cache of incriminating penis photos of him, that proves the lie of what he is fronting.)