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So many interesting things happening in proximity to each other. Of all the Happenings, this definitely stands out as the most schadenfreude-inducing.

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 Originally Posted By: the G-man

Best we can hope for is she has another stroke before the election and this one can't be covered up because it paralyzes half her face or something obvious.
Even then, the center left media will probably tells us we have to hire the handicapped.

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She's starting to look like an animated puppet, like one of the Stepford Wives, that they only pull out of cold storage when they can display her in a very controlled event.

This was an incident where they couldn't hide what happened. She collapsed very obviously, and so dramatically that she fell out of one of her shoes! An observer picked up her shoe and handed it to one of the security people as they whisked her off in her limousine. 90 minutes later, the Clinton campaign said she was "fully recovered" and walking around, but that she had been diagnosed with pneumonia 2 days ago.

This, in addition to her lies about e-mails.
In addition to her released interview on the missing e-mails subject by the FBI, where the FBI clearly didn't want to find her guilty of anything and didn't ask her even the most obvious follow-up questions about the holes in her story.
In addition to her being unable to recall ANYTHING of her actions as Secretary, even when she made a sworn statement to protect State Department classified information, that she didn't know that "C" on documents stood for Classified.
In addition to it being revealed in the released FBI report that she didn't have 1 cel phone "for convenience" as she previously alleged, but in fact had 13 different cel phones in her 4 years as Secretary of State.
In addition to it being revealed that Hillary Clinton had one of her aides destroy at least 2 of those cel phones with a hammer!

In addition to it being revealed that Hillary Clinton and her staff ordered their I.T. expert managing her illegal private server to destroy all her private e-mails ***AFTER*** they were subpoenaed by Congressional investigators.
In addition to her not only erasing these e-mails, but using "bleach-bit" to erase them from recovery by investigators as thoroughly as possible. Again, AFTER these records were already subpoenaed.

After all this, we find out that in addition she is in poor health.

Seriously, why are this woman's campaign numbers not dropping like a stone? What is keeping her campaign afloat? And what level of incompetence, greed, treason and corruption has to be shown before the Hillary zombies will stop supporting her?

It's a comfort that however slowly, Trump's campaign is rising from roughly 10 points behind less than three weeks ago, to a virtual tie in most states now. But with the level of lies, incompetence and dirt surrounding Frau Hitlary, it should have ceased to even be a close race a long time ago.

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Enough excuse to shield her from the public, but not enough to get her pulled from the race.

.....Who're they trying to fool?

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 Originally Posted By: Pariah

Enough excuse to shield her from the public, but not enough to get her pulled from the race.

.....Who're they trying to fool?

The liberal media and the low information Voters

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Ha ha ha! Oh, wow!

Lets see if MEM "lol"s at this one: Hillary supporters concocting a hair-brained conspiracy theory to nullify one that was actually proven true.

Washington Post: The man who discovered CTE thinks Hillary Clinton may have been poisoned

  • Bennet Omalu, the forensic pathologist who has made the NFL so uncomfortable with his discovery of chronic traumatic encephalopathy in the brains of deceased players, suggests that Hillary Clinton’s campaign be checked for possible poisons after her collapse Sunday in New York.

    Omalu, whose story was famously told in the movie “Concussion,” made the suggestion on Twitter, writing that he advised campaign officials to “perform toxicologic analysis of Ms. Clinton’s blood.”

    But this is Omalu, whose credentials and tenacity are well known. He wasn’t giving up on Twitter, adding that his reasoning is that he does not trust Russian President Vladimir Putin or Donald Trump, the Republican presidential nominee who has expressed admiration for Putin.

    Putin, as The Washington Post reported, was implicated by a British inquiry in January in the poisoning death of Alexander Litvinenko, a former KGB operative, in London in 2006. The Post’s Griff Witte and Michael Birnbaum wrote at the time:

    Although the inquiry stops short of conclusively blaming Putin — noting the opaque nature of Kremlin politics — it finds that there is “strong circumstantial evidence that the Russian State was responsible for Mr. Litvinenko’s death.” And citing the high-stakes nature of an operation to assassinate a former KGB officer on British soil, it finds that the operation would probably not have gone ahead without Putin’s direct approval.

    Omalu, famously played by Will Smith in “Concussion,” has studied and obtained a number of degrees. Born in Nigeria, he became a U.S. citizen in 2015. He became known for the tenacity with which he pursued the deaths of several former Pittsburgh Steelers during his time in the city’s medical examiner’s office. Eventually, he convinced skeptics that players were suffering brain damage as the result of taking a number of blows to the head.

    He wasn’t stopping with just one tweet about Clinton and poison.

I daresay that this is an unprecedented level of damage control.


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A variation on G-man's cartoon above:

I don't see how even someone as liberal-indoctrinated as M E M can deny the incredible lying deceptions the media is thrusting on the public.

Fox was citing stories yesterday from sources as mainstream as the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN and Huffington Post, who even after Hillary Clinton's fainting spell at Ground Zero was revealed to be from pneumonia, still didn't report it, and soft-pedaled their coverage to say she was "fatigued" by the "sweltering heat" in New York City that day (a blistering 77 degrees!), and evaded saying she was actually sick with pneumonia, or saying anything about how that would affect her ability to be president.

It paints a clear picture of the lies to be expected if Frau Hitlary should ever be president. The fact that she had been sick and coughing for at least a week, diagnosed with pneumonia 2 days prior, and even after she fainted, her staff didn't even take her to a hospital (risking her life, to hide her condition, that would have been revealed at a hospital), going through multiple lying cover stories to explain her collapse, coming out 90 minutes later to cameras saying "Hey, I'm OK, everything's fine" before finally admitting she has pneumonia... diagnosed secretly 2 days ago. It's only because some citizen-journalist videotaped her collapse that prevented the denials from continuing! Much like Monica Lewinsky's semen-stained dress.

On the plus side, she should drop even further in the polls after this. And things are already near the tipping point toward Trump.

Barring Pariah's alternative scenario above...

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For one or two weeks, Hillary's been out there with pneumonia in crowds, shaking hands, hugging kids... it made me think of this ad:

Typhoid Hillary!

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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
I don't see how even someone as liberal-indoctrinated as M E M can deny the incredible lying deceptions the media is thrusting on the public.

He can't. That's why he's keeping his mouth shut, hoping that silence will somehow deflate the critique against Hillary of its validity.

Won't work of course, but why bother harming his fragile psyche by correcting the delusions to which he subjects himself?

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To support Hillary Clinton, one has to ignore what is being reported in the news, and pretend it doesn't exist.

It disturbs me how many DNC zealots there are who are immune to actual news, and will vote Democrat no matter what the facts. This latest fiasco reveals Hillary Clinton as basically a marionette, with others pulling the strings.
Even if she were elected, look at Fred Thompson who appeared to be in perfect health during the 2008 primaries, before he dropped out. But if he'd been elected, he would have died in his 7th year as president, that Obama is in now. How much more risky to have Hillary, already so fragile, running?
Some others before scrutiny was fully given included Woodrow Wilson, FDR, and JFK. Of the three, only JFK did not die of illness in office, and only because he was assassinated.

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 Originally Posted By: Pariah

Enough excuse to shield her from the public, but not enough to get her pulled from the race.

.....Who're they trying to fool?

I meant to comment on this earlier.
It makes a strong case for what Hillary Clinton's symptoms and behavior mean, and that it should render her unqualified to run. If treasonous disregard for national security with her e-mails and the Benghazi attack were not enough.

The Democrat pundits today have no rebuttal, just ATTACK ATTACK ATTACK ATTACK on Trump, in a desperate attempt to change the subject.

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Stuff here I didn't notice. /Pol/ has been theorizing for quite some times that she was keeping medical apparatuses inside her pant legs. Guess they were right again.

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Hillary collapse coverage reveals absurdity of biased media

Because they were scooped by the video, an army of journalists is now under pressure to report facts instead of covering them up. Most important, voters got fresh proof that Clinton’s first instinct is to lie, and then lie again.

Those are just some of the immediate aftershocks of that little video. If my hunch is correct, the fallout is just beginning and eventually will result in voters learning the whole truth of Clinton’s condition.

Start with the fact that she ­humiliated the so-called best and brightest news organizations. Despite her unshakable reputation for being dishonest and untrustworthy, Clinton nonetheless managed to snooker most mainstream outlets into believing that her coughing fits were just allergies.

Those organizations were so gullible that they created a protective circle around her. Doing a modern imitation of the correspondents of the past who refused to photograph FDR in a wheelchair or refused to reveal JFK’s and LBJ’s White House trysts, the press corps swallowed Clinton’s claim that her health was fine.

They did so despite the fact that she has a history of fainting and falling, including in 2009, when she broke her elbow, and in 2012, when she sustained a concussion and maybe worse. That pattern alone should have resulted in skepticism.

Instead, the press corps closed their minds and treated dissenters like pariahs to coerce conformity. NBC News got the full treatment when it dared to break ranks.

Alone among the big networks and major papers, it did a four-paragraph, 91-word story on Clinton’s uncontrolled coughing fit during her Labor Day speech. In a flash, campaign operatives and their media handmaidens declared war on the reporter, Andrew Rafferty, lest others also get the crazy notion that their job is to report facts.

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And don't forget CBS editing out Bills comment she faints "frequently."

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Heckler screams "Fuck Hillary" at post-fainting Clinton Rally. Causes stir.

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 Originally Posted By: the G-man
And don't forget CBS editing out Bills comment she faints "frequently."

The internet and citizen journalism, a bulwark and safeguard against the attempted Newspeak of the liberal media.

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When Hillary Clinton collapsed, and then came out 90 minutes later, was that actually Hillary, or a look-alike double?

Not on board for all the "clone" speculation, but it's not unheard of for public figures to hire a double.
Love the comparison to Hitler, Stalin and Saddam Hussein!

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Google's gone nuclear in their defense of Hilldawg:

  • YouTube has ‘unlisted’ and added a warning to the new Donald Trump ad entitled “Dangerous” posted Tuesday morning by the Team Trump account that focuses on national security and warns that Hillary Clinton does not have the stamina and judgment to keep America safe.

    YouTube also placed the ad behind the “Restricted Mode” firewall that blocks “inappropriate content’.

    YouTube statement added to the video’s page: “This video is unlisted. Be considerate and think twice before sharing.”

It's right here, and it's pretty devestating:

10mb Version:
Warning, Spoiler:

2mb version (prime for posting on Tiwtter):
Warning, Spoiler:

If anyone's on Twitter, you should spread this to whoever you can. Best ad yet.

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•YouTube has ‘unlisted’ and added a warning to the new Donald Trump ad entitled “Dangerous” posted Tuesday morning...

Man. 1984 is actually here. They're re-writing the facts every day.

The Democrats and the liberal media are Orwell's fantasy incarnate.

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Someone over at Infinity just brought up an interesting prospect.


A disease like Parkinson's that contracted through the consumption of human flesh.

Knowing now that she's a filthy pedo-satanist, I sure as fuck would not be surprised.

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