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I previously jokingly said this about Obama's speeches during his 8 years as president.

The difference is, I said it with contempt about Obama, regarding his authoritarian power grabs, Cultural Marxist deception and his abuse of power. In particular his weaponizing of the IRS and other federal agencies against the Tea Party leaders and large Republican donors. And the FISA surveillance used on the Trump campaign and incoming administration.

But using the same joke regarding Trump, I say it with affection. Against remarkable opposition, Trump has achieved a great deal. And rather than authoritarian power grabs, he is instead returning power to the people. And has accomplished an amazing amount his first year.

Long may he reign.

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A good State of the Union address, I thought. About 75% of the U.S. agrees with me.

Honestly, not the most stirring I've seen, but still a lot of good moments and one-liners.
The Democrats present made fools of themselves, as they sat there unmoved and scowling, even when the parents of kids killed by MS-13 stood with tears in their eyes, a guy who endured and survived torment in North Korea who lost his legs held up his crutches in cheerful triumph, the grief-stricken parents whose beaten son died days after North Korea released him, a kid who puts flowers on the graves of veterans in appreciation, and a war hero who lost limbs and undauntedly went back into combat just over 3 months later, ALL these individuals stood for raucus and heartfelt applause while the Demcorat legislators sat there loathingly stone-faced and uncaring.

That ought to serve them well in the polls.
It underscores well their contempt not only for America, but for those of us who love our country.

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In case anyone else out there needed additional confirmation that it's about time to stick a fork in the politics subforum.


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Any opinion about the actual State of the Union address or the politics surrounding it?

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Not as bad as it could've been.

No, seriously, I was pleasantly surprised. While it wasn't a great SotU, it was far tamer than some of the truly stinky oration good ol' Generalissimo Anaranjado's capable of pinching off. Factual errors, yeah, a few slip-ups here and there, yeah, but nobody has a monopoly on that. There was, of course, the requisite dog-whistling couched in terms of terrorism and illegals, but I couldn't catch anything egregiously bigoted or even especially tone-deaf. Lots of partisan posturing, but that's spot-on for a SotU - it's not supposed to be about the Prez but the party (or Party, if you prefer). Well, honestly, it's supposed to be about America and its people, but that went out the window quite some time ago. Every President uses it to grandstand, and everyone uses it to claim to have a mandate, so in terms of that, this one was executed to a notably higher standard than what I expected from DJT.


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You seem to have an unwaveringly negative opinion toward Trump, where you don't seem to give him credit for anything, and it appears at some point in recent years your point of view moved to the liberal side of the spectrum.

Correct me if I'm not interpreting your views accurately (you don't detail them much) but you seem to be pro-illegals, pro-amnesty, pro-social spending, and eager to paint Trump (if not other Republicans) as racist.
I don't want to misrepresent you, but what specifically has Trump said that you would portray as "dog whistle/bigoted"/racist or "tone deaf"?
Those are some heavy-artillery words to sling around, particularly at a president, even if it's a bombastic celebrity president like Donald Trump.

I see Trump as laying out the issues facing the nation, and proposing some major concessions in his effort to reach a compromise and get legislation passed, for issues that have been stalemated for decades. Concessions that put him at risk, even with his own very loyal base(94% polled who voted for him still support his actions, but don't like the DACA amnesty offer for 1.8 million illegals).

Trump is a guy who has promoted minorities and women to high level positions in his company since the 1970's, before most other companies were. Trump (in the victory lap portion of his address) cited that he has vastly elevated employment in the last year for blacks, Hispanics and women, many lower unemployment numbers than they've been in 17 or 20 years. Or regarding black unemployment, EVER. Conversely, Obama doubled black unemployment.

I see Trump's rhetoric and stated goals as being more about America, about rebuilding America, that establishment presidents of both parties have been tearing down for 30 years. Trump has made promises, has fulfilled his promises better than anyone since Reagan, and is getting a remarkable amount done. Why are you calling him a bigot for keeping his promises and helping everyone, including blacks and Hispanics, more than Obama or W. Bush ever did, and by a huge margin?

I heard the same charge made by conservatives in the 8 years prior, that Obama was a narcissist and it was all about him, while his policies were hurting the country.
Arguably, whatever Trump's arguable narcissism, he is at least doing an exceptional job that is benefitting all of America. Trump is leading his party, and leading it kicking and screaming against its will to fulfilling its own rhetoric and promises on border security and illegal immigration, on creating jobs, rebuilding our military, restoring our sovereignty, and bringing manufacturing back to the U.S.

I fail to see how it is bigoted to secure our borders from an estimate of AT LEAST 12 to 20 million illegals. Trump seems arguably more compassionate and less portrayably "racist" than the rest of his party and less than the "racist" majority of polled Americans who want our borders secured.
How is enforcing the law "bigoted"?
If you could express where Trump is wrong, and clarify it in specific examples instead of vague platitudes and insulting labels, I might understand your point of view better.

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I skipped it this year. I've always watched them previously no matter the party but Trump trying to talk about unity after all his antics just wasn't worth my time. He can't go a week without blowing things up.

Fair play!
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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
You seem to have an unwaveringly negative opinion toward Trump, where you don't seem to give him credit for anything, and it appears at some point in recent years your point of view moved to the liberal side of the spectrum.

Correct me if I'm not interpreting your views accurately (you don't detail them much) but you seem to be pro-illegals, pro-amnesty, pro-social spending, and eager to paint Trump (if not other Republicans) as racist...

Everyone in the apartment is sick. Consider this me bookmarking this for later. Short version: You've described these various things as a for/against binary, when in truth these issues are vastly more nuanced. There are lots of variables to consider when attempting to address these various issues. I've identified as a libertarian since about 2010, but in the last few years I've drifted into what could almost be seen as minarchist territory. Not a Marxist perspective, but an anti-statist perspective, and an attempt to get outside the Eurocentric left/right binary that I think is holding the global neighborhood back from embracing better ideas. There's no quick or easy way to break that down, and I'm not interested in insulting your intelligence or patronizing you or dismissing what you're saying, though I know it'll be hard to find 1:1 equivalency to bridge the perspective gap. I simply don't have time right now to give you the discussion you deserve, and oversimplifying it or resorting to personal attacks won't help either of us, but for what it's worth I'm not ghosting you or anything.

I will say that corporate welfare is draining the coffers a hell of a lot faster than the worst abuses of the biggest social programs. Boeing is one of the most egregious welfare queens around, but there are plenty of others. But more on that some other time.


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Fair enough, Sammitch.
We can just set that discussion off for another time. I'm sorry you're not feeling well, and wish you a quick recovery. I've certainly been there many times myself.

There was a time when I voted independent (1992, 1996 and 2000) but I still identified as Republican, and was trying to push the GOP in a more conservative direction by withholding my vote. As I've laid out before, I see the globalists and lobbyists as controlling both parties (see Death of the West by Buchanan, and Obamanomics by Tim Carney for two examples of that case made) but have always believed the national interest is better served by Republicans despite their being almost as corrupted as the Dems.
But as I've laid out before, Trump for whatever flaws is in a unique position of being opposed by both parties, for precisely the reason that he is essentially there to "drain the swamp" and dispose of the establishment corruption in both parties.
Like Reagan before him, there are limits to how much Trump can change on his own, and he is therefore forced to compromise and make a deal. But if he lasts 8 years and gains enough popular support, there will be enough popular pressure to force the establishment parties to submit to real reforms. I suspect if Trump is dislodged an establishment GOP G.H.W.Bush type would undo all his reforms, and the globalist destruction of America over the last 30 years will resume.

My perspective is, if you condemn both parties, and you don't hold out for a once-in-a-lifetime reformer like Trump (if he does what he says he will, and he has fulfilled all his promises so far), but barring a Trump or a Reagan, if you reject the 2-party system and don't believe either party offers a way out, the only alternative left is revolution. And I don't see that enough of the complacent American public supports that option for it to be successful.
But again, another conversation for another time.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
I skipped it this year. I've always watched them previously no matter the party but Trump trying to talk about unity after all his antics just wasn't worth my time. He can't go a week without blowing things up.

Despite that I despised Obama as the Cultural Marxist Alinsky-trained demagogue in-chief, I always listened to all his speeches to understand what he said to the public, vs. what he actually did as president.

To me, tuning out Obama would have rendered me unable to have an opinion, since I wouldn't know what was actually going on, to be able to criticize it. Obama and Hillary both had clear ideological plans, and a circle of personal Leftist-radical associations that were antithetical to the very existence of our Constitutional republic.

Trump, in contrast, campaigned on issues, and whatever his unforced errors, has fulfilled his promises more than any other president in my lifetime. In just his first year, no less.

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Regardless of Trump's cult of personality, I look beyond that to what Trump has actually achieved. And that's a great deal. To the great benefit of the nation.

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If you missed the State of the Union, here it is in its entirety:

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Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham each gave a good overview last night of Trump's effectiveness in his State of the Union address, and of Democrats' loathesome behavior that night, just sitting on their hands when Trump cited the reduced unemployment for blacks, cited the threat of MS-13 and his proposed new policy to deal with it. There were four parents whose kids were murdered by illegals, who were in tears as they stood, and the Democrats didn't even stand and applaud FOR THEM!

I suspect Trump will rise in the polls, and Dems will see a drop in theirs, paying a price for their mean-spiritedness.

Especially good was Tucker Carlson's opening editorial bashing of liberal media for their contempt of everything most Americans hold dear ("Church... family...the police... military... the national anthem..." portrayed as just being white racist "dog whistles". Does it get any more vile and America-hating than that?)

Democrat leadership in Washington only PRETENDS to care about the same issues as middle class America, and then if they are successful in getting elected, pursue a radical cultural Marxist agenda that actually hurts the very people Dems pretend to care about: blacks, Hispanics, women, the poor. Trump has actually helped these people, and for that liberals and their deceitful brethren in the liberal media portray Trump as racist. For actually helping these people!

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