Another of my favorites from GHOSTS 106, Nov 1981. From a time just prior to Giffen taking over as artist on LEGION 285-306, when Giffen was doing a lot of short stories across DC's mystery books, and a Doctor Fate backup series in FLASH 306-314.

GHOSTS 106, Nov 1981, 9 pages, "To Kill A Ghost", by Robert Kanigher, with art by Keith Giffen/Sam Grainger. About an American swordfighting champion who just won a fencing competition in Scotland and meets the ghost of a legendary swordfighting champion who has haunted his former Scottish castle since the 1300's. A modestly great little story, with some interesting twists, that ends on a wonderfully upbeat note.

GHOSTS in their later issues had replaced their former eerie host character with a gentleman-ghost character who wore a dandy's suit with a top hat and spectacles, and to me looked more like Mr. Peanut than a ghost. But regardless, a good story he introduces. I miss these anthology titles, a lot of great talent got their start drawing short pieces for these titles, including Wrightson, Kaluta, Aparo, Nino, Redondo, Starlin, Wein, Bingham, Suydam, Golden, Rogers, Hampton and Giffen.