I was looking up an actor on IMDB who I saw in the list of credits was also in a Star Trek episode, and clicked on it. From there I clicked on a tab for "all episodes". One of the cool aspects is that there's a viewer-rating for every episode.

No surprise, the highest-rated episode is "City On the Edge of Forever" (9.3).
The next highest is "Mirror,Mirror" (9.2) also I think beyond dispute in that ranking by most Star Trek fans.

But I was surprised to see a lot of my favorites not as highly rated as I regard them, such as :

"Where No Man Has Gone Before" (7.8),
"The Man Trap" (7.3),
"Space Seed" (8.9),
"Bread and Circuses" (7.2),
"A Piece Of the Action" (7.9),
"Return To Tomorrow" (7.6),
"By any Other Name" (7.7),
"The Omega Glory" (6.2),
"The Empath" (6.7) and
"That Which Survives" (6.6)

To name a few.

Plus many I consider to be kind of lame ("The Naked Time", 8.0) rated high by voters.
Eye of the beholder, I guess.