Old Vulcan proverb: “Show me a beautiful woman, and I’ll show you a man who’s tired of F*^king her”

Don't get me wrong, I love women. But observing things from the fantasy perspective of a Vulcan civilization devoted for millenia to dispassionate logic, one might unblinded by emotion reach that conclusion a lot more quickly.

At least once on these boards I recalled my agony in 1991 of having the love of my life marry another guy in Spain. Oddly, she kept calling me several times a week from Spain in the months after she initially left the U.S., and never bothered to tell me she was engaged to this guy. I actually found out through mutual friends, not her, despite her talking to me on the phone almost daily. She kept calling me before, during, and for 2 years after marrying, till I finally asked her to stop calling. For a while I clung to the delusion that she would realize she made a mistake and would in a short time leave him for me. She clearly was calling me for something she was not getting in her marriage. For a while having her cake and eating it too.
Having emotions and not being a Vulcan, it took me two years to realize that 1) For her to do what she did, even if she left him I wouldn't want her back, and she isn't the person I previously gave her credit for being. And 2) I don't want to be anyone's second choice.

It was several years before I finally met a girl who restored my faith that there are good women still out there. And yeah, no matter how beautiful a girl is, if she doesn't have those inner qualities, her looks eventually won't be enough.