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Jun 13, 2020

ATLANTA — A police officer in Atlanta shot and killed a man Friday night after a sobriety test at a Wendy’s, according to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, WSB reports.
Police have identified the victim as 27-year-old Rayshard Brooks.

Officers say they got a call about a man in the drive-thru line. Investigators claim Brooks was asleep in his car when police arrived around 10:33 p.m.
Police say he failed a sobriety test shortly after. When police tried to take Brooks into custody, police say he resisted arrest.

Officers reportedly tried to use a taser on him, but Brooks is accused of grabbing the taser and using the weapon on an officer.
“During the arrest, the male subject resisted and a struggle ensued. The officer deployed a Taser. Witnesses report that during the struggle the male subject grabbed and was in possession of the Taser,” the GBI said. “It has also been reported that the male subject was shot by an officer in the struggle over the Taser.”

Police opened fire on Brooks who later died at the hospital.
One officer who was injured has since been released from the hospital.

GBI [Georgia Bureau of Investigation] is investigating the shooting at the request of Atlanta police.
“The GBI is aware that there is video posted on social media captured by witnesses in this incident. We are reviewing the video & the early investigative information in this case. We’ll provide an update as soon as we can,” a GBI tweet said.

However, district attorney Paul Howard said his office also has opened an independent investigation.
“In this matter, we are asking for the cooperation of the public. We are asking anyone who saw the incident to call the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office Tip Line at (404) 612-4903 and if they wish to email any information, still photos, and/or videos we ask that they do so by sending it to,” Howard said in a statement.
  • The GBI is aware that there is video posted on social media captured by witnesses in this incident. We are reviewing the video & the early investigative information in this case. We’ll provide an update as soon as we can.
    — GA Bureau of Investigation (@GBI_GA) June 13, 2020


It just doesn't end.

At this time, black rioters have blocked the highways in Atlanta with cars, stopping traffic, and have burned down the Wendy's where this guy was pulled over for drunk driving, was tested as intoxicated, resisted arrest, grabbed an officer's taser, ran away, turned and pointed the taser at police, and was shot.

What exactly did the officers do wrong?

The mayor has already thrown the officers under the bus to appease the mob, before any investigation has been done, and called for the officers to be fired.
The police chief has quit, no explanation given yet. I could envision it being because of being politically prevented from a proper investigation and doing the right thing, for political reasons only. Or just stepping away from being offered up as the scapegoated sacrificial lamb for the next few weeks and months.

When the GBI is stepping in, the Georgia State Bureau of Investigation, for an independent investigation, sidestepping the locals, I fail to see the need for rioting and arsson, aside from advancing the goals of a terror campaign by Black Lives Matter and Antifa.

At present, the Wendy's is completely engulfed in flames, and the protestors/rioters are preventing firefighters from reaching the Wendy's and putting out the fire. The fire is in danger of exploding a gas station right next door if not put out. This again looks like an organized leftist strategy, not something spur of the moment done by a few pissed-off locals.

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The shooting happened last night (Friday night), there were peaceful demonstrations during the day today (Saturday) and the violence began as soon as it got dark.

It follows the same pattern as Minneapolis, Seattle, New York City, Miami, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Houston...

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Mark Levin on his program Life Liberty Levin at 9 PM on Fox News, interviewed two black university professors, and I thought gave a splendid counter-argument to the lying narrative that the U.S. is inherently racist, or that racial injustice exists. Examples were given in a contrast of black and white incomes, or in police treatment of blacks vs. whites. Some great statistics and insights. That blacks are primarily concentrated nationally in the South, where incomes are lower across the board (as is cost of living), regardless of color, as compared with the wages and cost of living in those higher wage more northern (and whiter) regions.

I have an aunt who was a college professor in rural western Pennsylvania, and then took a job at California State University Los Angeles, where she was excited to be getting a $20,000 a year more in salary. But with the difference in cost of living in California, she said she was pretty mucch earning the same as in Pennsylvania.

If you want to see it, Life, Liberty Levin repeats on FOX at 11 PM, and maybe can be seen after on Youtube, Netflix, Hulu or Foxnation.

Carol Swain was the first college professor interviewed by Levin tonight, I didn't recognize the second male professor. Both had good insights, I think the second in the latter half had greater statistics.
For example, blacks are targeted more often by law enforcement because they commit 2 and a half times more crimes, as measured by black residents calling 911 for help.
That blacks are less cooperative and resistant to police, which results in an escalation of force by police against them.
Police are 18 times more likely to be killed by an unarmed black suspect, than a black suspect is to be killed by a police officer.
White officers actually are less likely to shoot a black suspect, being more sensitive to the potential accusation that their shooting could be alleged to be racially motivated.
That against the allegations of a "white racist system" in the U.S., there is a higher ratio of millionaires among Indonesians, Nigerians and immigrants from thirrd world nations than there are blacks or whites!

Levin also did a history over the last 150 years all the times presidents of both parties have enlisted the National Guard against national uprisings to restore order, far from an unprecedented "authoritarian" power grab by Donald Trump as president. In many cases, such as in Little Rock in 1957, or to protect Martin Luther King Jr during his protest march to Selma in 1964, to protect minorities. Something that wouldn't have been done by multiple presidents of an alleged inherently "racist" nation.

I like Levin's program on Sundays, that follows in the style of Charlie Rose at his best.
And also the program directly after, The Next Revolution with Steve Hilton, that has a more independent/populist viewpoint, and attempts to offer solutions instead of just demagoguery and partisan arguments.

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You have to really strain to find it, but Rayshard Brooks was a criminal thug with a long rap sheet, including beating and terrorizing his own wife and children. He was on parole for domestic violence against his family, and the DUI arrest would have put him right back in jail for a long time.

Does Rayshard Brooks have a criminal history?

Brooks had previously been convicted of False Imprisonment, Simple Battery/Family, Battery Simple and Felony Cruelty/Cruelty to Children, the Daily Mail reported.
He had reportedly pleaded guilty to charges dating back to August 2014.
The dad-of-four was sentenced to one year in prison and six on probation for one count, and 12 months for each of the three other counts.

After a revised sentencing, he was sent back to prison in July 2016.
In December 2019, a warrant was issued for his arrest, which was revoked a month later.

Was Rayshard Brooks on probation the night he was shot?

Reports indicate Brooks was on probation the night of his death.
Documents cited by the Mail indicate Brooks would have been jailed if he was arrested for a DUI.

The sobriety test Rolfe and Brosnan administered registered Brooks' blood-alcohol level at .108 percent.
The legal limit is .08.
An autopsy by the Fulton County Medical Examiner ruled Brooks' death a homicide.

So often, I have to find the facts in a British paper, because the American media just won't report the facts. And not just the liberal media, but Fox News as well is, I guess, too afraid of being labelled "racist" or "white supremacist" if they just report the facts.

From the Youtube comments on today's (Wed, 6-17-2020) episode of The Five...

...this one comment summed it up quite succinctly:
 Originally Posted By: Felonious Skunk
[quoting Juan Williams' commentary on the show of misguided sympathy for the guy who resisted arrest, punched out 2 cops, stole one's taser and tried to use it on the other cop when shot:]
"How do you find justice for 3 little girls who will never see their father again..."
Seems to me we just found justice for this little girl. This "loving father" was convicted of beating her and her brothers/sisters and mother. Also, of KIDNAPPING them. Drug sales. Drug use. A host of other charges as well. this little girl is now SAFE from her father for the rest of her life. Seems like justice to me.

"Tamika Miller is a mother, a daughter, and another human being just like you."
Yeah, and it seems she understands that while she testified against this guy to put him away where he couldn't further risk her or her daughter's lives, she has just won the "Ghetto Lottery" - all she has to do is rehabilitate this guy in the eyes of the public and a jury. This is utter bullshit.

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Even the case of George Floyd, which I think is univerally seen, even by police, as a police-caused death with absolutely no justification that should never have happened, Floyd was a five-time convicted felon, most recently for home invasion in 2007.
And the caller who reported Floyd in a store was not only for the counterfeit 20-dollar bill, but because he was visibly high. I've still seen no detailing of what happened between that police call and his encounter with the four officers. Although once he was down and in handcuffs, he should just have been put in the squad car and booked. But the media strains not to mention Floyd's criminal history or any resistance of confrontation that might have escalated the situation. Quite the opposite, despite his criminal history, the media and politicians selectively omit his history, and portray him as a saint.

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There was mentioned in one story by Harris Faulkner today on her 1 PM program, of the death of Breonna Taylor, that I had to look up to know what it was about:

A late night no-knock warrant by Louisville, Kentucky police, in search of drugs related to a former boyfriend of Breonna Taylor's. Taylor was a 26-year-old paramedic. Her and her new boyfriend apparently thought it was a home invasion and not police, and both opened fire on the police with their licensed guns when officers barged into the apartment.
There are a lot of questions I have from the above linked account, of the actions of both the officers and of both Taylor and her boyfriend. If the officers announced themselves as police, why would Taylor and her boyfriend open fire on them? It's possible the police identified themselves, but because Taylor and her boyfriend were hostile to police (or involved in drug trafficking as triggered the police raid) they opened fire anyway. It's also possible the police lied and didn't identify themselves despite saying they did in their official report.

Again, I see the Democrat-Left/BLM jumping to conclusions, assuming this is an example of police racism toward blacks. But years ago, I cited a Reader's Digest article on police warrants and raids (no-knock or otherwise) where people of all colors have been victims of this.
And the frustration is, sometimes police get a wrong tip, or a malicious tip, or there is an address error and they do a raid on the wrong house. And if someone believing a raid on their house is a home invasion and uses a gun to defend themselves, and police shoot them or their family members dead, there is no liability or prosecution of the police. In police terms, it's a justified shooting because the officers were fired on, despite the lack of justification for entering the home.

This happens to people of ALL races, not just blacks. Not as part of the Left's alleged police "war on blacks". But the Left uses it to elevate racial hostility, for their own political purposes.

I cited one related to Gov. Scott Walker in Wisconson a few years ago, where the Democrat opposition (a Democrat district attorney) deliberately called in a malicious tip on Walker's campaign manager's home, that could have gotten one of his campaign staff killed, just to maliciously harass him, and use the warrant to seize all records and give them to his Democrat opponent's campaign as opposition research.
And also how in this case and others, Democrat D.A.'s issue gag orders, where if the campaign staffer talks to the media about the abuse of power, they will be guilty of further "crimes". Yet another example of the Democrat/Bolshevik weaponization of law enforcement against their political opponents.

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In the last few days, yet another shooting of a black suspect, this time in Kenosha, Wisconsin, just north of Chicago.


The cops involved in the shooting of Jacob Blake — which touched off a fresh wave of angry, anti-police sentiment across the country — were attempting to arrest him for violating a restraining order stemming from an alleged sexual assault, The Post has learned.

Blake, 29, was forbidden from going to the Kenosha home of his alleged victim from the May 3 incident, and police were dispatched Sunday following a 911 call saying he was there.
The responding officers were aware he had an open warrant for felony sexual assault, according to dispatch records and the Kenosha Professional Police Association, which released a statement on the incident on Friday.

That police union statement also claimed that Blake was armed with a knife at the time of the shooting — and had put one cop in a headlock and shrugged off two Taser attempts while resisting arrest.
Blake, who was paralyzed in the shooting, had been handcuffed to his hospital bed due to the warrant, which was vacated Friday, according to a statement released by his lawyer, Benjamin Crump. His restraints were removed, but he is still facing the criminal charges, Crump said.

Blake is accused in the criminal complaint, which was obtained by The Post, of breaking into the home of a woman he knew and sexually assaulting her.
The victim, who is only identified by her initials in the paperwork, told police she was asleep in bed with one of her children when Blake came into the room around 6 a.m. and allegedly said “I want my sh-t,” the record states.

She told cops Blake then used his finger to sexually assault her, sniffed it and said, “Smells like you’ve been with other men,” the criminal complaint alleges.
The officer who took her statement said she “had a very difficult time telling him this and cried as she told how the defendant assaulted her.”

The alleged victim said Blake “penetrating her digitally caused her pain and humiliation and was done without her consent” and she was “very humiliated and upset by the sexual assault,” the record states.
She told police she “was upset but collected herself” and then allegedly ran out the front door after Blake, the complaint says. She then realized her car was missing, checked her purse and saw the keys were missing and then “immediately called 911,” the complaint alleges.

The alleged victim told cops she has known him for eight years and claims that he physically assaults her “around twice a year when he drinks heavily.”
Police filed charges against him for felony sexual assault, trespassing and domestic abuse in July when a warrant was issued for his arrest.

On Sunday, within three minutes of responding to the 911 call, Blake was shot 7 times in the back as he attempted to get into his car.

Calls to Blake’s fiance, Crump and the Kenosha Police Department have gone unreturned.

Clearly a nice guy, this Jacob Blake. Haw dare these officers use force to stop him. Not in the article, he has two prior incidents of assulting police officers.

Every time the media whips up one of these cases, Trayvon Martin, Eric Garner, Michael Brown, George Floyd, Rayshawn Brooks, and now Jacob Blake, every time they give a shooting blanket coverage, I initially buy it, saying okay, yeah, for sure this time the police are caught in an unjustifiable racist shooting.
And every time, a day or two later, the trruth leaks out, that the guy shot was a criminal black thug with a long and violent criminal rap sheet, and circumstances vindicate the officers involved.

There are a few rare cases of legitimate police misconduct (one I recall about two years ago, where an officer in South Carolina pulled a guy over and the guy ran, and the officer on his own squad car camera is shown shooting the guy 6 times in the back, and then radioing in to dispatch that the guy assaulted the officer, that the officer's own squad car camera clearly disproves. The officer was, of course, prosecuted and imprisoned.) But overwhelmingly, these are cases of the media and the Left jumping at the chance to sell a false narrative and set cities nationwide on fire, for their own political exploitation.
To the destruction and detriment of the nation.

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