
Even though it's after the fact now, I'm still feeling a bit Halloween-y this morning.
Another selection from Richard Corben, WEREWOLF :

[Linked Image from images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com]

One of about 15 magazine-size collected albums of Corben's work.

The stories in this one collected from:

1) "Dead Hill", 6 pages, from the underground WEIRDOM COMIX 14, July 1971.

2) "The Beast of Wolfton", 25 pages, from GRIM WIT 1, 1972.

3) "Spirit of the Beast",8 pages, from HEAVY METAL, May 1980.

4) "Roda and the Wolf", 8 pages, from HEAVY METAL, Feb 1984.

5) "Lycanklutz", 8 pages, from CREEPY 56, Sept 1973

6) "Change Into Something Comfortable", 8 pages, from CREEPY 58, Dec 1973

7) "Fur Trade", 8 pages, new story first printed here in 1984, later r in DEN comic series 5, 1989.