Originally Posted by Pariah
Lets cut to the meat of the matter and eliminate all equivocation in the process: the Democrats do not have hidden voters. They all operate in plain sight on account of their self proclaimed, protected status as "polite society". By that same token, Trump's voters are still vilified and targeted--even killed (see also: Jacob Gardner's "suicide")--when identified by hostile partizans and aggressive insurgents (see also: Antifa, BLM), and thus have a vested interest in remaining hidden even as Trump draws large crowds. Where there's smoke, there's fire...and if those rally sizes constitute smoke, what does that say about the fire?

My only concern is, with mail-in ballots, if Biden has lost by say 10,000 votes on election night, and mail-in ballots can be counted anywhere from 3 to 13 days after the election, some states not even requiring a postmark date, Democrats can manufacture fake ballots, reach into their magic hat and pull out 11,000 mail-in ballots, and pull an Al Franken on us again. Fortunately there's only a few states with rules that lenient (new rules byfiat of judges, right before the election!), but one of those states is crucial Pennsylvania.

I was hoping the election would go so decisively for Trump that it wouldn't matter how many fraudulent ballots the Democrats slipped in the mix. But regardless, by a narrower margin than I would have liked, Trump is still winning.