Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
And I showed how Biden gets to 270 even if he loses Pennsylvania. Trump shouldn?t have declared victory when it?s very clear that a lot of vote by mail hasn?t been counted yet.

A lot of fraudulent votes Dems have stacked in a back room, to pull out of a magic hat, Al Franken-style.
Trump is currently ahead in 4 of the 6 un-called states. As I cited the exact numbers for above.
Georgia (50.5%, with 94% counted)........................................16 electoral votes
North Carolina (50.1% Trump, 94% counted)..........................15
Pennsylvania (54.9% Trump, 79% counted)............................20
Michigan (49.3% Trump, (vs 49.1% Biden!) , 90% counted)....16

and in the Biden column
Wisconson (48.6% Trump, vs 48.9% Biden, 99% counted)......10
Nevada (48.6% Trump, vs 49.2% Biden, 75% counted)............6

Granted these are very narrow margins and could change. But if the current count remains, it would end up:

Trump is not doing anything inappropriate to say that at present he is winning, and to warn against the clearly intended foul play that Democrats are scheming.
Trump won't be like Richard Nixon in 1960, won't just step aside when Democrats try to fake ballots to rig a win.