Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Making false claims of voter fraud and trying to throw out an election to install the loser would not work. Trump failed to prove his claims in court. The majority of Americans who voted for Biden would never accept Trumpers coup no matter how you want to dress it up.

You know who makes false claims, M E M?
Democrats, who are so unsure of their victory that they wont consent to a complete audit and re-count, as there has been in every previous presidential election.

And regarding Trump and his lawyers not making the case, there is a difference between lack of evidence, and a partisan Bolshevik Obama or Clinton-appointed judge who won't allow the evidence to be heard, or a judge who just pretends the clear evidence doesn't exist.

The majority of Trump voters will NEVER accept this Democrat-Bolshevik coup as a legitimate Biden win. Up until 2 AM on election night, Trump was winning in 5 of the 6 contested states.
Trump's margins up until then:

PA: 682,000 margin for Trump (with 83% counted at that point), flipped to 80,555 for Biden with fake ballots.
MI: 306,089 margin for Trump (59% counted), flipped to 154,188 for Biden with fake ballots.
WI: 127,270 margin for Trump (82% counted) , flipped to 20,682 for Biden with fake ballots.
GA: 311,010 margin for Trump (83% counted) , flipped to 12,670 for Biden with fake ballots.
AZ: 10, 457 margin for Biden (prematurely called for Biden, and still in contest)
NC: 76,0712 margin for Trump (94% counted, and the only one Trump still won. And despite that Trump was always ahead, it took NC 7 days to call Trump the winner, with a 74,483 vote margin of victory)

Biden won 220 counties less nationwide than Obama, but somehow got 13 million more votes than Obama.
There are Republican counties that were strongly in Trump's camp in 2016 that went mysteriously for Biden in 2020.
There are counties that went for Biden where there are more votes than there are registered voters!
And hundreds of thousands of votes where Biden is mysteriously the only one voted for on the ballot. 450,000 like that in Pennsylvania alone.
Republican vote observers saw hundreds of thousands of ballots that were not signature matched, or were illegally counted without observers or a secure chain of custody. There are literally dozens of ways Democrats cheated, they don't even deny that fraud was done on a massive scale. Their only halfhearted Bolshevik-narrative defense is "Well, the fraudulent voting didn't rise to the level of overturning Biden's victory." Despite that several contests are within a 4,000 to 5,000 margin, that could easily be overturned by throwwing out illegitimate votes. That would flip the current fake totals back over 100,000 in Trump's favor, as they were before giant trucks pulled up and dropped off bags of fraudulent ballots that were snuck in the back door at 4 AM, in combination with the Dominion machine systems fraud.