Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Having electors picked by republicans to choose Trump over Biden would be throwing my vote and everyone else’s out. Trump hasn’t presented anything that has stood up in a court of law. Trump’s Barr just chimed in to say there was no evidence that would have changed the outcome. Meanwhile election officials are getting death threats and harassed by trumpers if they don’t like what they hear. Trump eggs his base on with even people from his legal team calling for deadly violence for those that won’t help him steal the election. So you that’s the side you are on.

No, it would be throwing out hundreds of thousands of illegal votes where YOUR PARTY CHEATED and maliciously and fraudulently entered illegal votes. The evidence is overwhelming:

  • Votes flipped IN THE THOUSANDS on Dominion voting systems from Trump to Biden, to give Biden and illegal victory.

    Votes IN THE THOUSANDS on flash-drives that were not counted "in error" or "a glitch", that somehow ALWAYS are errors that favor Biden and take votes away from Trump.

    An estimated 1.9 million dead voters who somehow rose from their graves across all 50 states to vote for Biden. Over 21,000 (that have been detected) in Pennsylvania alone. Over 9,500 (that have been detected) in Michigan alone.

    Votes IN THE THOUSANDS of people who have been contacted by phone and verified they never requested a ballot, and never submitted the ballot that was submitted in their name. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voter_Integrity_Fund

    Votes IN THE HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS in all the contested states where Biden is the only candidate selected on a ballot, no down-ballot candidates selected. That's because Trump was winning by such large margins that the 3% vote-shift the Dominion computer algorithms were manipulating the actual totals to create were not enough to overcome Trump's lead. At which point in multiple states they stopped the vote-counting, so the Dems could calculate how many manual fake ballots they had to create to overcome and exceed Trump's lead in the votes. They did not have time to fill out the whole ballot, so they only selected Biden on those ballots. 450,000 alone created in Pennsylvania. Maria Bartiromo in my earlier Youtube clip (while interviewing lawyer Sidney Powell) details the exact numbers of these in each of the contested states.

    Hundreds of districts with super-inflated voter participation as compared to previous elections, many having over 100% voter participation, more votes than there are people!

    Does anyone REALLY BELEIVE that Joe Biden got 11 million more votes that Barack Obama? That Donald Trump got 10 million more votes than in 2016, and yet still lost to Biden? A detailed analysis will show that in many of these precincts, it was physically impossible for Bien to have gotten these votes, because the people and the eligible voters don't exist to make that possible. That the midnight votes added increased at a faster rate than the voting machines could have physically counted them. It's a fake, it's a fraud.

Add to that how dominion employees, clearly with something to hide are covering their tracks, deleting their self-incriminating Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn accounts and posts.

How Dominion is suddenly moving its offices to hide that it shares office space with Soros-linked organizations.

How Dominion employees, pretty much all of them, try to hide their ideological fanaticism and support of Antifa, their ties to the Clinton Foundation, ties to Nancy Pelosi's chief of staff, ties to Diane Feinstein's husband who is large a Dominion shareholder. That Kamala Harris' photographer is a Dominion technician who helped rig the vote in an Atlanta suburb district on Nov 3rd, and is still in that position to do the same in the upcoming Senate runoff election in January!

You're such a partisan liar, M E M.
What part of these *FACTS* do you not understand? The evidence is overwhelming. Your only option is to pretend the evidence doesn't exist.

General McInerny, a retires Air Force general, and the assistant chief of staff of the joint chiefs (and an expert on counter-intelligence and marxist insurrections) says this is no less than a coup by the radical Left to overthrow the United States government, and that if necessary Trump should declare a national emergency to prevent that from occurring. It took Al Gore 37 days to pursue his legal options in Nov-Dec 2000 in just one contested state of Florida. And yet Trump is expected to do the same in at least 6 contested states, or be forced from office. He could declare a national emergency and stay in power until a full investigation and legal process can be allowed to play out.

Right now, I'm watching the Michigan state Senate hearings on election fraud for the last two hours or so on OAN, with witness poll observers from election day, a Colonel who is an expert on insurrection and election fraud, other experts at detecting computer and corporate fraud, an IT specialist, and of course Giuliani and his lawyers.

I've similarly watched on OAN hours of similar hearings in Philadelphia and Phoenix. The evidence is overwhelming, if you would just listen to it. But you would instead rather just repeat the lying talking points of your corrupt piece-of-shit Bolshevik-Democrat party.