You should watch it. Funny stuff, watching a grown man throw a 45 minute temper tantrum.

Trump campaign files election lawsuit in Georgia, suffers more legal defeats

Trump's team and various individuals backing him have suffered a string of legal defeats around the country, including in cases filed in Nevada and Wisconsin that sought court orders to reverse those states' election results.

President-elect Biden won the election with 306 Electoral College votes - against the 270 required - to Trump's 232.

A district judge in Nevada on Friday dismissed a case brought by would-be Republican presidential electors and said they must pay defendants' legal costs after failing "to meet their burden to provide credible and relevant evidence to substantiate" any of the lawsuit's claims.

The Wisconsin Supreme Court in a 4-3 decision declined to act on a case that sought to have the court nullify the presidential election in the state and pave the way for the state legislature to choose Wisconsin's 10 presidential electors.

"Such a move would appear to be unprecedented in American history," Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Brian Hagedorn wrote in his concurring opinion of four justices issued on Friday.

Trump's campaign has spent nearly $9 million on its unsuccessful bid to overturn the results of the election, including nearly $2.3 million to lawyers and consultants.


"Are you eating it...or is it eating you?"

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