
I think you're referring to Trump's speech about the election you posted earlier.

While not Trump's best speech, I don't see anything wrong with it. He still gave a serviceable overview of the evidence that there is blatant vote-rigging on Nov 3rd by Democrats, multiple streams of massive election-rigging by Democrats. And how just looking at how many thousands rose from the dead to vote Democrat, how many thousands came across state lines to vote under fake addresses for Democrats, how many thousands of Republicans had their votes stolen and someone else voted in their name with a requested absentee ballot to an alternate address, and all the twisted ways Democrat Bolsheviks rigged the votes inside the polling centers themselves, on and on.

There are many districts where there were so many fake votes, either by using fake mail ballots or by manipulating thousands of votes at a time on the Dominion voting systems on computer, that there is way over 80% voter participation in many districts, or even 100%, 120% and 130% participation!
Also, the country went overwhelmingly for Trump, except in a few key Democrat-controlled urban areas (Phoenix, Albequerque, Milwaukee, Detroit, Pittsburg, Philadelphia, Atlanta), where in the middle of the night all of a sudden while there were no vote observers, these cities had an impossible spike in votes for Biden, that in many cases can be proven to be impossible relative to the population in these areas, and impossible in the speed these votes were processed, that exceeds the speed votes can be entered on these machines.

Now this one, on the other hand....

... is frigging hilarious, how unhinged and apoplectic the guy is. I think the big tough Georgia elections supervisor is a widdle upset and he's going to cwy !

As I pointed out before, he's so upset about threats to Democrat officials, but isn't at all concerned about Republicans who have been threatened AND PHYSICALLY ATTACKED, FOR YEARS, or upset about the whislteblowers who have exposed election fraud who have been put through hell , been doxed, had their homes broken into, been threatened, and will probably lose their jobs, just for doing the right thing. A lot more courageous than widdle Roger Ebert here.