Originally Posted by the G-man
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Originally Posted by the G-man
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Thankfully most of them don’t believe in masks from the pics and video.

And, unlike Antifa and BLM protesters, the MSM has no compunction about showing their faces.

And none of those stormed and rioted in the Capital. Your point?

I guess you forget the BLM/Antifa protesters rioting and storming federal buildings in Oregon and the media rewriting their rules to justify it. Apparently you also forget the media wringing their hands about identifying the perpetrators and whining that posting their mug shots upended their lives.

The MSM spent the past four years working to
normalize and encourage this behavior and rewriting the rules of civil society when it suited their ideological goals. While the rioters today themselves bear ultimate responsibility for their own criminal behavior the MSM (along with the rest of the left) helped create this climate in which violence is considered legitimate political discourse.

And, of course, there's people like you stirring the pot by wanting to put members of the opposition party in gulags.


If the circumstances were not so serious with a mob invasion of the Capitol building, the media's complete 180-degree reversal from previous coverage of mob violence (which CNN openly endorsed and rationalized), contrasted with what is now believed to be violent Trump protestors, that are for CNN reporters : "Just awful, I've never seen anything like this..."
Yeah, sure CNN.
Except ALL SUMMER LONG in cities nationwide, with Black Lives Matter and Antifa protests, where BLM mobs didn't just trash one building, but burned and destroyed HUNDREDS of businesses, in cities nationwide. As I cited at the time, over 500 businesses in Minneapolis alone. Likewise hundreds looted and destroyed New York City.
Without their liberal blinders on, these CNN reporters might see, y'know, WHOLE CITIES destroyed as worse than one building.

And I'm not convinced that these are Trump supporters, I've watched a lot of the video of it tonight, and they have the demeanor of BLM or Antifa, not patriotic conservatives. I watched Mo Brooks interviewed tonight on Stinchfield (Newsmax), and Brooks said way before this occurred, they had advance reports of Antifa planning to infiltrate Trump protest crowds in Washington DC toiday, pretending to be Trump protestors, and stir up exactly this kind of trouble to smear Trump supporters as violent. I don't see Trump supporters so gleefully wrecking Capitol chambers, and stealing House/Senate items as take-home prizes. That's more Antifa territory.

And that's exactly what Democrat thugs contracted by the Hillary Clinton campaign did in 2016, caught on video by Project Veritas, openly boasting exactly how they did it, and that they were paid by the Hillary Clinton campaign to do it, through what they laughingly bragged was "a double-wall" of plausible deniability". So they've done this kind of false-flag before on Trump supporters.

If the rioters do turn out to be Antifa members in disguise, wouldn't it be fun to see the contortions Jake Tapper and CNN twist themselves in, to rationalize what they just condemned as suddenly perfectly OK ?
CNN already gave us those kind of rationalizations, all summer long.

For example, Chris "Fredo" Cuomo: "Who ever said protests were supposed to be peaceful? That's the point!"

But they only feel that way when the Democrat/Left is doing the damage.

I don't condone violence as a way for Trump supporters or anyone else to make their point, and I doubt any Republican I know does. It's not our way. But that's also the point, that Democrats endorse it when their side does it, Republicans don't. I believe, like Charlottesville and dozens of other protest occasions, Democrats staged the violence, so the liberal media would talk about that, rather than the legitimate points Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz and Mo Brooks were making with their arguments on the House and Senate floor. Arguments CNN and the liberal media would have to air in primetime, arguments they have hidden coverage of for 2 months. This media re-direction at "right wing violence" is a convenient distraction, conveniently provided by mob violence that might not even be Trump supporters. Let's wait for the facts to come out, when these jerks are arrested and their Facebook and Twitter posts are made public.