Originally Posted by the G-man
Originally Posted by iggy
No one is saying they can't have their own site...they're just saying they won't sponsor them with their shit. Big difference. Why do you hate the market?

Monopolies aren't a free market.

But, yeah, sure. We can all have free speech....just as long as a we have vast sums of money to set up our own servers, hire our own IT people to maintain them.

And, just like somebody probably could have drilled for and sold oil in their back yard to compete with Standard Oil back in the day. And two guys with some copper wire could have certainly avoided the need to break up Ma Bell back in the day.

Meanwhile, Big Tech has moved on to taking away email accounts from people whose opinions they don't like.

How long until Iggy's idea of the free market says who can and can't have a telephone and what they can and can't say on it?

Mister wants to suck Google cock, but doesn't want to obey its rule to not bite. Fuck off, you fucking moron.