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Proud Boys Intended To Kill Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi, FBI Witness Says

An FBI witness says that members of the far-right Proud Boys had hoped to assassinate Vice President Mike Pence and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi during last week's violent storming of the U.S. Capitol.

An FBI special agent made the claim in an affidavit as part of a criminal complaint against 43-year-old Dominic Pezzola, who is accused of taking part in the riot in support of President Donald Trump's false claims that the presidential election was "stolen." Pezzola, who is also known as "Spaz," allegedly used a shield taken from a Capitol Police officer to smash a Capitol window before entering the building. An FBI witness said that the group Pezzola was with had discussed committing violent acts that went far beyond property damage.

"[The witness] stated that other members of the group talked about things that they had done during the day, and they said that anyone they got their hands on they would have killed, including Nancy Pelosi," the affidavit, which was filed Wednesday, reads. "[The witness] further stated that members of this group, which included 'Spaz,' said that they would have killed [Vice President] Mike Pence if given the chance."

"The group said it would be returning on the '20th,' which your affiant takes to mean the Presidential Inauguration scheduled for January 20, 2021," it continues. "And that they plan to kill every single 'm-fer' they can. [The witness] stated the men said they all had firearms or access to firearms."

Multiple members of the Proud Boys have been identified as part of the violent mob that took part in the riot at the Capitol, which resulted in the deaths of at least five people. The pro-Trump group gained particular notoriety last September when Trump urged them to "stand back and stand by" while refusing to directly repudiate white supremacist and militia groups during a presidential debate.

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Why do you seem to be avoiding the fact that Antifa is proven to be at the center of the violent attacks?

If there are "right wing" Proud Boys or whatever who committed violent acts, by all means prosecute them too.

But don't just act like it was only people identifying as Trump supporters and/or less affiliated right wingers who were involved in violence.
And don't conflate a handful of violent nutjobs who may or may not identify as Trump supporters or have some other ulterior agenda for committing violence, with the well over 100,000 *ACTUAL* Trump supporters who WEREN'T AT ALL involved in violence, and just protested against an obscenely corrupt election that is nothing short of a political coup by Biden and the Democrats.

Under the circumstances, given the level of injustice and violation of the rule of law by what occurred in the election, the blatant corruption of election laws through executive orders that violated state laws in GA, PA, MI, WI, AZ and NV, the blatant VIDEOTAPED sneaking in of hundreds of thousands of illegal votes in Georgia and Michigan and Pennsylvania, the judges who corruptly or intimidatedly refused to look at the evidence, the state senators and congressmen who refused to challenge a corrupt ballot count in their states, the U.S. Senators and congressmen who refused to challenge the count, and then the Vice President Pence who either corruptly or intimidatedly let the corrupt electors be finalized, refusing to authorize further debate or investigation he had the authority to demand. In light of ALL that corruption and lack of representation, I think the Republican reaction nationwide, and even in Washington that day by the overwhelming majority protesting, has been remarkably calm.

There are times when I think Republicans should challenge this illegal and unjust vote with far more vigor. But if we can overturn this election lawfully in two or four years, then this Biden 2020 rigging is unjust, but salvageable. My deep concern is that a deeply corrupt and ruthlessly marxist radical Biden administration will rig the system and do so much damage that this country will never be able to recover.

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WB only one person has been identified as a non-trumper that stormed, attacked cops, vandalized and rioted in the capital that I know of. You put it in huge font for the one but that doesn’t take away from the republican lawmakers, retired cops, firefighters and ex military that have been identified and appear to really be pro-trump supporters. The officers that were getting attacked and injured by the mob certainly know who they were facing. You really should listen to these heroes that defended the capital.

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Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Why do you seem to be avoiding the fact that Antifa is proven to be at the center of the violent attacks?

If there are "right wing" Proud Boys or whatever who committed violent acts, by all means prosecute them too.

But don't just act like it was only people identifying as Trump supporters and/or less affiliated right wingers who were involved in violence.
And don't conflate a handful of violent nutjobs who may or may not identify as Trump supporters or have some other ulterior agenda for committing violence, with the well over 100,000 *ACTUAL* Trump supporters who WEREN'T AT ALL involved in violence, and just protested against an obscenely corrupt election that amounts to a political coup.

Under the circumstances, given the level of injustice and violation of the rule of law by what occurred in the election, the blatant corruption of election laws through executive orders that violated state laws in GA, PA, MI, WI, AZ and NV, the blatant VIDEOTAPED sneaking in of hundreds of thousands of illegal votes in Georgia and Michigan and Pennsylvania, the judges who corruptly or intimidatedly
refused to look at the evidence, the state senators and congressmen who refused to challenge a corrupt ballot count in their states, the U.S. Senators and congressmen who refused to challenge the count, and then the Vice President Pence who either corruptly or intimidatedly refused to let the corrupt electors be finalized without further debate or investigation... in light of ALL that corruption and lack of representation, I think the Republican reaction has been remarkably calm.

There are times when I think Republicans should challenge this illegal and unjust vote with far more vigor. But if we can overturn this election lawfully in two or four years, then this Biden 2020 rigging is unjust, but salvageable. My deep concern is that a deeply corrupt and ruthlessly marxist radical Biden administration will rig the system and do so much damage that this country will never be able to recover.

Or, you could look at the sheer number of people "in on it," come to terms with the fact that there is no way a conspiracy of corruption that large could exist, and realize you are a batshit crazy fascist. That's totally a possibility too, you fucking goober.

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Originally Posted by Iggy
Or, you could look at the sheer number of people "in on it," come to terms with the fact that there is no way a conspiracy of corruption that large could exist, and realize you are a batshit crazy fascist. That's totally a possibility too, you fucking goober.

Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
“As always with Levin's show, a lot of detailed information of what the liberal media, Democrats, self-serving lobbyist-controlled deep state Republicans, attorney general Barr, the DOJ and FBI are all collaboratively hiding from the American public about Joe Biden and election fraud. “

Don’t forget the intimidated Supreme Court WB. Pretty much it has to come from Trump or his family for the real truth (minus sisters and nieces and anyone who doesn’t sign a NDA). The whole dem vs gop is really exposed as a sham here with the “everyone is wrong” motif. If there had been the widespread fraud Trump claimed it would have had a much friendlier reception in court. He couldn’t prove it and instead of recognizing what a truly evil shitty thing he just did to the country you lash out at everyone else,

It just shows how pervasive the corruption is.

The superior court justices at the lower level were clearly mostly corrupt Democrat appointees.
At the U S Supreme Court level, chief justice John Roberts has a long history of doing what is politically expedient and uncontroversial, rather than what is right. A prime example being repeated rulings upholding Obamacare, despite its clear unconstitutional violations, saying "It's not the job of the Court to repeal bad law." Well... it is, actually. With the election fraud, Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas wanted to do what is right and review the case, but were outnumbered by politicians masking as justices on the Court.

And the evidence remains clear. The fact that they refused to hear it in a courtroom makes clear they made their decision based on something other than the facts.

COL. PHIL WALDRON TESTIMONY -in Michigan state House hearings, Dec 3, 2020

Hard evidence, that timid judges and political leaders want to pretend doesn't exist. Also suspicious that the FBI nd DOJ sat on their hands throughout the disputed election. Why would they do this? 97% of campaign donations by DOJ staffers went to the Hillary Clinton campaign. That's why.

DOJ/FBI sent dozens of agents to investigage the Jussie Smollet hoax.
And a dozen FBI agents to investigate an alleged noose in a black race car driver's garage, that any moron could see was just a rope for pulling down a garage door.
FBI sent a team of agents to investigate Trump supporters allegedly harassing a Biden campaign bus on the highway!

But they send no agents, ZERO, to investigate what appears to be the most massive election campaign fraud in U.S. history, across 7 states?!!? Please.
That tells you everything you need to know.
Only if there is a thorough investigation, and that evidence is presented in a court of law, will the Republican half of this country accept that the outcome for Biden is legitimate. It's clearly not, and the lack of willingness to honestly review the evidence is further proof that the evidence is too damaging. Only ignoring and dismissing the evidence can save the Biden victory narrative.
And even up to 30% of Democrats think the election results are fraudulent.
Trump in the last few hour re-tweeted a poll that shows 92% of Republicans see the election as rigged.
Including Democrats and independents, it's still 50% of voters that see the election results as rigged. Thsi is not going away.

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Don’t forget now the conspiracy also includes Pence, the conservatives on the Supreme Court plus all the trump appointed judges that ruled on the election plus republican governors and campaign officials.

Oh and scientists, reporters and any republican that voted for impeachment.

So it’s just the Trump cult that is truth basically.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Don’t forget now the conspiracy also includes Pence, the conservatives on the Supreme Court plus all the trump appointed judges that ruled on the election plus republican governors and campaign officials.

Oh and scientists, reporters and any republican that voted for impeachment.

So it’s just the Trump cult that is truth basically.

It's not a conspiracy, it's a pure and simple fact that the RNC put Pence on the ticket as the establishment guy, essentially Trump's equivalent that G.H.W. Bush was for Reagan, the establishment apparatchik on the ticket, that negotiated the GOP's support of Trump in 2016. And when it counted, despite that Pence had the powers of his office to carry on the political fight through further available channels, Pence did abdicate that responsibility with some ambiguous high-sounding legalistic words that were ultimately untrue. Pence only had to allow Senators Cruz, Hawley and others to make their legal case to the nation, but instead shut it down, handing the establishment the win. It's a fact that all the judges involved, even U S S C, state legislators, U.S. House and Senate members, Governors, secretaries of state, and finally Pence, had the ability to act, and just out of corruption or fear, refused to do the right thing. The evidence was there, and they just refused to look at it. They were intimidated, or in the several cases I previously linked in Georgia, had clear ideological of money motivation, GA governor Kemp's chief of staff now works as a lobbyist for Dominion!
How blind are you, M E M?

And the Scientists agree with my side when it comes to Covid-19 lockdowns and masks. Even an N95 mask, while giving slightly more protection, has spaces between its fibers that a Covid-19 virus is small enough to pass through, according to the CDC's own information. And lockdowns cause enormous economic damage, but ultimately change nothing. They were motivated by a Democrat scheme to hurt Trump politically, by crippling the economy going into the election. And lo and behold! As soon as the election is over, Gov. Cuomo wants to re-open New York. But prior to that, he initiated some punishing lockdowns in precincts that voted heavily for Trump. And simultaneously two blocks away, bars and restaurants are completely open in districts that voted more heavily Democrat. . Under the guise of "safety", but it was in truth political payback. Whether CA, WA, IL, MI, NY, PA or NJ, the Democrat governors and mayors flagrantly violate their own Covid lockdown restrictions, THAT's how serious these lockdowns truly are.
i.e., NOT serious at all.

They initiate travel bans and then travel, they ban restaurants and then crowd in expensive trendy places, AND GET COVID! They ban boat travel or travel to cabins, and then do it themselves. They incompetently assure PA's nursing homes are safe for your parents, then secretly take their parents out, before initiating policy that causes thousands of others' parents to die of Covid. And then (Cuomo) they write a book contratulating themselves for their alleged great crisis leadership! They close hair and nail salons in California starving owners and employees, and then secretly go in for a hairstyling after-hours (AND GET CAUGHT ON CAMERA DOING IT !)
Oh yes! These Democrats are SO serious about Covid preventive measures. (i.e., NOT AT ALL serious.) Even Chris Cuomo of CNN was busted walking in crowds of people while he was virulently sick with Covid-19 (again: VIDEOTAPED!) and not even having the decency to wear a mask. When Chris Cuomo was called on it outside by a CNN viewer, he cot confrontational and in the viewer's face, despite that Cuomo was obviiously in the wrong and lying (RECORDED ON VIDEO) to his CNN viewers nightly. What is Democrats' problem with science? It interferes with the DNC's lying narrative, so they rewrite the rules and then proclaim the new rules "Science".

And Trump supporters are not a "cult", we are 74.3 million people who saw the visible benefit of his policies as president, overseeing the best economy this nation has had in over 50 years, rebuilding our military, renegotiating trade agreements in the U.S. favor with virtually all our trading partners, firm negotiation with China, firm with NATO making them pay their defense cost obligations for the first time ever, firm with Mexico and Canada. And the lowest unemployment ever recorded for blacks, hispanics, women, and people under 25. Rebuilding our military. Securing the southern border for the first time since Eisenhower was president. And that's for openers.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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You present a very propagandist opinion there WB. Anything outside of Trump’s control is trashed. He came into office during one of the longest economic expansions our country has ever had. Most of that expansion occurred during Obama’s time in office. With Trump in office republicans allowed deficit spending so yeah the economy got even better. Sort of easy when your not paying for anything. And once again a democrat comes into office with one of the worst economies ever. Covid didn’t just disappear and just recently the states found out that there is no vaccine reserve. More lies on top of a mountain of lies.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
You present a very propagandist opinion there WB. Anything outside of Trump’s control is trashed. He came into office during one of the longest economic expansions our country has ever had. Most of that expansion occurred during Obama’s time in office. With Trump in office republicans allowed deficit spending so yeah the economy got even better. Sort of easy when your not paying for anything. And once again a democrat comes into office with one of the worst economies ever. Covid didn’t just disappear and just recently the states found out that there is no vaccine reserve. More lies on top of a mountain of lies.

That's horseshit.

Show me the proof that that Trump supporters are responsible for the deaths. From the very start, I've said you can't say for certain it was actually Trump supporters who were responsible for the violence, that it doesn't look like Trump supporters' style, that it looks more like Antifa's protest tactics. That the fact will reveal that.

Then it turned out 3 of the 5 dead were a heart attack, a stroke, and a seizure of some kind (i.e., not from violence). And that police shot Ashli Babbitt. And that officer Sicknick died in a hospital hours later.
Then it was revealed by Capitol police that they'd been alerted days before Jan 6th to Antifa infiltrators plans to hide among Trump supporters in false-flag attacks.
Then it was revealed the FBI and DHS were alerted A MONTH before Trump's speech that there was planned violence (again, clearly plans predating and not caused by Trump's Jan 6th speech.)
I posted Trump's entire speech (in transcript form, and then on video) and said: point to me anywhere in there that Trump said anything "inciting " Trump supporters to violence. You and the Democrats couldn't, because HE DIDN'T.

Then after a few days some Trump supporters were identified and arrested for being in the Capitol, and for other mischief, not for violence.
Then John Sullivan was identified as one of two known known BLM members who were inside the Capitol that day.
A few days later, the FBI arrested Sullivan, revealing videos and social media posts that self-incriminatingly prove HE (not a Trump supporter) orchestrated the violence that got Ashli Babbitt killed.

If any of these things had developed in a way that incriminated Trump supporters, I would have been forced to acknowledge that. But they didn't. They developed in the way these objective facts reveal.

And you're full of shit that Obama oversaw "one of the greatest economic expansions". Obama oversaw the weakest recovery from any economic recession since World War II, and not one year of Obama's 8 years did the economy exceed 2% growth. Weak recovery specifically caused by Obama's policies that expanded strangling new regulations on business, and especially Obamacare. And that was even with Obama printing trillions of dollars, inefficiently throwing trillions in taxpayer cash at it, and expanding the debt by $10 trillion during his 8-years as president, with very little yield from those TRILLIONS in borrowed and printed cash wastefully thrown at it. Obama and his advisors called below 2% growth the "new normal", and the best we could expect in future years.

Then Trump in his first year reversed that failed policy, slashed regulation and enacted pro-growth policies, and in just his first year created almost 4% growth, and it probably would have been higher than that, if not for multiple huge hurricanes and other natural disasters that shut down huge regions of the country for prolonged periods, including my native Florida that had no electricity for a week, and in many areas without power for several months. Likewise in Texas.

Trump didn't "inherit" a great economy, he created it, created the best economy the U.S. has seen in over 50 years, far surpassing the growth in any of Obama's 8 years. By incentivizing growth, and encouraging manufacturing jobs and factories to return from overseas back to the U.S.. A return of manufacturing that Obama had mocked in 2016 as impossible, and that Trump would have to "wave a magic wand" to make happen.
Well, Trump waved the wand, and it did happen. Annual growth and jobs that far from "inherited form Obama" that Obama and his advisors are on the record saying they never imagined was even possible.

And against the lying Democrat narrative, Trump didn't create an economy that "only benefits the rich", Trump's economy has raised income proportionately most at the middle class and working poor levels, seeing the first real wage rises for working Americans in decades. And again, the lowest recorded unemployment ever for blacks, hispanics, asians and women. And regarding deficit, I've repeatedly pointed out that Democrats have constantly pushed Trump for far greater deficit spending.
That Trump for example wanted $700 billion from the Pelosi-controlled House to rebuild our military, and the Democrats extorted a 1.6 TRILLION dollar budget deal packed with liberal earmarks before they would approve it, $900 billion beyond what was needed.
Likewise on multiple rounds of Covid-19 relief legislation.

And you can't blame the Covid crisis on Trump either. Trump has overseen the best recovery from the Covid crisis of any nation in the world, and that is proven by the fact that the richest worldwide are moving their investments to the U.S. under Trump as a relative safe haven. And that's with Democrat governor states shutting down over 50% of the U.S. economy in population-center states like California, Washington, Oregon, Illinois, Michigan, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York, JUST TO TRY AND CRIPPLE TRUMP IN THE NOV 2020 ELECTION.
Now that the election is over, Gov Andrew Cuomo is saying "we have to re-open the economy [in N Y], or there won't be anything left to re-open."
That's almost verbatim what Trump said... SIX MONTHS AGO.

Trump was SUCCESSFULLY re-opening the economy everywhere state governors would allow it the last 8 months, and those states are all faring far better than Democrat states, both economically, and in a generally far lower number of Covid cases. The Democrat solution is to shut everything down and throw trillions more in borrowed and printed cash at the problem. Trump's SUCCESSFUL approach is to re-open the economy and let the private sector recover on its own.

I'm terrified of what the Bolshevik lunatics in your party will do once Biden is inaugurated , to throw a wrench in the recovery machine.
And in what way the Biden administration will mess up the fast-tracked available vaccine that Trump gave us in record time.

I hope the country can survive four years with your lunatic party in power. Look at the Orwellian lockdown on free thought, combined with an armed police state they have enacted in just the 3 weeks before inauguration. A lying Democrat narrative, on the election, on Covid lockdown policy, on Hunter Biden, that we are increasingly not allowed to factually debate anywhere online, or even express disagreement with, lest we be called "seditionists" and "inciters". For challenging the election the same way Democrats did in 2000, in 2005, in 2016, in 2019. But when Republicans legally challenge a highly contestable 2020 election that has dozens of provable forms of election fraud, that is held to a double standard and labelled as "seditious", and "inciting violence".

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