Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
You are wrong about it being one side WB. Key republicans at the state, federal and judiciary helped protect democracy. You and many trump supporters made it clear that is something you don’t value. Trump tried to undue the election just by claiming election fraud without proving it through the courts. That happened. When he failed there he than tried to disrupt the certification on the 6th. The riot at the capitol Trump provoked fortunately failed.

As usual, you're a fucking liar, M E M.
The logic of what you say is so twisted, I can barely discern what you are trying to rationalize.

Trump and his lawyers have plenty of evidence and thousands of witnesses of election fraud across all 6 states, that judges who are either Democrat partisans, otherwise deep state loyalists, or just intimidated by threats of further Democrat violence as BLM and Antifa unleashed all last year, and really the last 4 years. U S S C justice John Roberts is a prime example, overheard blasting other justices not to consider hearing the case: "Do you want to be responsible for riots?!?" The evidence was there, it was never dismissed on merits of the evidence, court after court just refused to look at the case.

I've posted evidence repeatedly that Trump ABSOLUTELY DID NOT "incite" violence at the Capitol that day.
SHOW ME EXACTLY what Trump said that "incited". He absolutely did not.
He said to Trump protesters (about to walk on a planned march, before he even spoke) :
"In a few minutes you are going to march over to the Capitol and PEACEFULLY and patriotically let your voices be heard."
Legal scholar Alan Dershowitz said it's outrageous to allege Trump in any way provoked violence, that Trump said verbatim what hundreds of other speakers of both political sides have said to their supporters protesting on the Mall of the Americas, in previous marches on Washington DC.

Further, as I've shown repeatedly ( PROVING you are a fucking liar) multiple sources including NYPD informed both the FBI and DHS as much as a month in advance of various groups planning violence at the Jan 6 Capitol protests. Capitol police told multiple Republican Senators and Congressmen and others they were warned to be on the lookout for Antifa infiltrators.

Further, as I've shown repeatedly, the timeline doesn't match your lying narrative, the riots began 31 minutes before Trump concluded his speech at 1:11 PM, and 76 minutes before anyone listening to Trump's speech could have walked over to the Capitol to commit violence after listening (31 minutes, + 45 minutes walking time).
As I've demonstrated repeatedly with facts, what you maliciously allege about Trump is absolutely false, and just yet another Democrat-Bolshevik narrative. And despite evidence, despite logic, you continue to dishonestly sell it.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.