Originally Posted by iggy
OAN rolleyes

I didn't see anything there to dispute the facts presented by OAN.

It's a fact that they are treating dissenting conservative speech they don't like in the U.K as if it were violence, to intimidate it, and snuff it out.
And Democrats in the U.S. are doing the exact same to Conservative speech, in attempting to shut down Parler, alleging all Trump supporters are terrorists who need to be surveiled and spied on, and even pushing to similarly shut down Newsmax, OAN, and even increasingly left-drifting Fox News as "centers of hate speech" that need to be de-platformed from cable subscription services.

G-man's cartoon above is prophetic regarding Biden's fuel policy. Biden in his first 2 days has shut down the Keystone XL pipeline from Canada, despite the Canadian government begging him to reconsider. And Biden further wants to declare war on the fossil fuel industry, with no developed fuel alternative to replace it. Trump made us, for the first time in 70 years, energy self reliant producing all our own energy, and a net exporter of oil and natural gas. Biden's policy will result in us again becoming reliant on foreign energy suppliers, and with enormous new debt, far more vulnerable to suppliers who could cut us off.
And with a lack of available fossil fuel and nothing to replace it, could subject all 50 states to the kind of rations and brown-outs that California regularly endures, due to the governor of that state thinning out fossil fuel in California, with no alternate fuel source, and ever-rising energy demand.

Biden's policies, both foreign and domestic, increasingly look like national suicide. He will do to us what Chaves and Maduro have done to Venezuela.

And Democrats, feeding at the nipple of CNN and MSNBC and similar Newspeak , cheer this on.