And the "division" is completely driven by the rhetoric and the violence by your party.

It began under Obama, and has intensified ever since. The marxist rhetoric of your party is calculated to do precisely that. Trump and other Republicans are just forced to deal with what your vicious party created, and continues to throw kerosine on every day.

Your party accuses U.S. soldiers guarding Washington DC of being possible insurrection supporters. Your party accuses REPUBLICAN MEMBERS OF CONGRESS of helping the Capitol attackers trying to kill them.
Your party falsely accused Trump and his administration of "Russia collusion", when they KNEW from the beginning it was a lie, but kept the FBI investigation and Mueller investigations open, just to smear Trump and influence the 2018 and 2020 elections. Your party knew the witnesses in closed door house testimony were ALL saying there was no evidence of Trump-Russia collusion, but were saying on CNN and MSNBC that there was absolute proof of Russia conspiracy. Adam Schiff, John Brennan, James Clapper, James Comey, Susan Rice. Every one of them infuriating liars, who splintered this country for five years, AND STILL ARE.

Your party wrote the book on slander and "division".
And it's a playbook your party stole from the Moscow Central committee.