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#1234164 2021-02-06 11:16 PM
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Marjorie Taylor Greene indicated support for executing democrats

This was from years ago though (2018 and 2019 so why should she be held accountable for what said and did from so long ago WB would argue)

I watched her video with Parkland kid too. And there is all the crazy Q stuff. This piece of human garbage is what is electable in the GOP. Not only electable but has a big enough backing that the normal but shrinking gop members can’t even discipline her. They tried putting her on education. Being a gross human being has actually been a fund raising boon for her. That is both sad and scary.

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When you acknowledge the volume of Democrats who have engaged in violent rhetoricand directly incited violence, I might take you seriously.
Over and over, you selectively omit the ACTUAL violence that is a direct result of rhetoric from elected Democrats.

1) Marjorie Taylor Greene has disowned her comments from several years ago in support of QAnon. But she does say that QAnon first awakened her interest in politics.

2) No one has been violently attacked as a result of Greene's rhetoric. In sharp contrast to the 275 cities burned (including over 500 businesses and whole blocks of your own native Minneapolis) the 25 people murdered, the over 2,000 police injured nationwide, because of the Marxist Revolutionary rhetoric of Black Lives Matter riots that EVERY LAST MEMBER OF YOUR PARTY OPENLY ENDORSES.

The human garbage lives in your party. I don't endorse everything Marjorie Taylor Greene says, she's not really my style, but she's a decent person who is part of a movement for populist representation of the actual will of the people.
A will of the people under attack by Democrats.
And a will of the people even suppressed by the establishment wing of the Republican party, who condemned Greene, and literally the same day retained Liz Cheney as one of its party leaders, despite that Cheney has polled with ony 10% Republican support, even in her own state.
Whereas Rep. Greene won her district with 74.7% support.

Your hypocrisy is on display once again. You strain to make a case against Republicans, while ignoring the bigotry and violent incitement by your own party. Yours is the party that openly talks about putting Trump supporters and gulag "re-education centers". Putting republicans in Stalinist/Maoist public trials and forced to confess their sins against the stat (N Y Times, Paul Krugman). Yours is the party that endorses looting and burning of hundreds of cities as somehow "justified". Yours is the party that, FO FOUR YEARS, averages two attacks aa day on Trump supporters.
Yours is the piece-of-shit Democrat party that calls ICE and border patrol "Nazis", and then doesn't respond, doesn't condemn, doesn't retract their rhetoric, when THEIR WORDS incite attacks on ICE and border patrol agents.

You rage on Marjorie Taylor-Greene, but say nothing about Ilhan Omar not being taken off committees for her antisemitic rhetoric, let alone marrying her brother and using multiple schemes to fleece American taxpayers. And for years mouthing rabidly anti_American rhetoric, endorsing riots and tearing down of national monuments and statues. She is truly the enemy within who is destroying this country. As is her entire piece of shit caucus.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Some people whose stated political views should get them taken off House and Senate committees....

Sen. Kamala Harris: The Nationwide Protests Are A Movement. They're Not Going To Stop

Rep. Maxine Waters on Trump officia... let them know they're not welcome"

leftist freakazoid Rep. Ayanna Pressley, target GOP officials. "There needs to be uunrest in the streets as long as there's unrest in our lives"

Pelosi’s Extreme Rhetoric: “I Just Don’t Even Know Why There Aren’t Uprisings All Over The Country”

...if your piece of shit Democrat party had any consistent standards.

THAT's your open incitement and endorsement of violence, M E M.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene blasts AOC, calling AOC's Jan 6th story a clear lie, explains Trump's unmatched popularity

I'll take 435 Marjorie Taylor Greene's over 1 Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, thank you very much.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Hopefully Greene will get voted out with the rest of the trump trash. She liked posts about executing democrats WB. She taunted a school shooting survivor. Those are not good values. It’s plain evil.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Hopefully Greene will get voted out with the rest of the trump trash. She liked posts about executing democrats WB. She taunted a school shooting survivor. Those are not good values. It’s plain evil.

Oh! Oooh!! She "liked" a post !

Evil is your Bolshevik-Democrat party in actual rhetoric supporting BLM burning almost 300 cities, before during and after. Not vaguely supporting BLM before the looting and burning and destruction, but AFTER the destruction, saying that there should be more of it, that it won't stop, that it SHOULD NOT stop (Kamala Harris, no one too highly positioned, just the V P).
Or saying people (quoting Pelosi) should be violently "rising up all over America, I don't know why they haven't."

Evil is (Ocasio-Cortez) calling ICE nazis, that directly resulted in attacks on multiple ICE compounds in Texas, Washington and Oregon, and then refusing to even talk to reporters about her own incendiary rhetoric and its results. In the interview I saw, she had a smirk like she was glad it happened.

Evil is impeaching a president --TWICE ! -- with absolutely no basis in evidence, just because they can as a very narrow House majority, as a political weapon.

Evil is Democrats doing exactly the same to Brett Kavanaugh, Roy Moore, Herman Cain, Clarence Thomas and others, slandering them without evidence, attempting to destroy their lives with deliberately false charges, just to get a Democrat political win.

Evil is weaponizing the IRS, FBI, DOJ, FISA court and other federal agencies against Republicans, trying to imprison them on false charges for years, KNOWING the charges are false. Again just for a Democrat political win.

Evil is Democrats manufacturing a fake nationwide "right wing white racist insurrection" threat to rationalize a military lockdown of the nation's capitals, and a lockdown on free speech, that made Washington DC look like China or North Korea on Jan 20, 2021. Even as *actual* insurrection has continued for roughly a year in cities nationwide, as BLM and Antifa run wild attacking conservatives and looting and burning hundreds of cities nationwide.
Attacking federal buildings NIGHTLY for over 90 days!
Laying seige to the the White House in late May 2020.
During the Kavanaugh nomination, an even greater breach of the Capitol occurred on Jan 6th occurred, but the media and Democrat leaders ignored that, it didn't fit their lying narrative.

Your party ALL DAY LONG calls for violence against Republican leaders, against Trump supporters, and for locking them up in gulag "re-education camps".
Look in the mirror, M E M.
It's your side that is clearly evil. They are one in spirit with the Bolsheviks, Maoists, and other murderous leftists, who they openly quote.
As I've quoted multiple times here.

Yours is a lying Democrat narrative.
My response is the absolute truth and sourced facts, sourced from Dems' own self-incriminating words. Yours is the party of Saul Alinsky's RULES FOR RADICALS, that Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and their inner circles are deeply indoctrinated in.
Alinsky's tactics are the politics of deceit, pretending to be moderate while campaigning, and then once elected pursuing their true radical authoritarian scorched-earth agenda.
The politics of deceit. Marxist overthrow and revolution. These Democrats OPENLY QUOTE the most genocidal marxist leaders in history, and admire them.

(See the quotes I've posted, and more at their personal listings at )

Obama used to teach RULES FOR RADICALS to classrooms of ACORN activists in the 1990's, and was considered the unchallenged master of Alinsky tactics. They don't believe in Constitutional democracy or rule of law, only in power, and in the Bolshevik authoritarian state they can "radically transform" us into.

What could be more evil than that?

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Confronted by a CNN reporter, Greene points out she is asked to apologize for innaccurate remarks she made (which she notes did previously) but CNN even 4 years later still perpetuates and has never apologized for innacurate Trump "Russia collusion" reporting.

Marjorie Taylor Greene, against her portrayal by the media, explains who she truly is on the House floor

Where she partially apologized, but also detailed the context of her previous views, how her political views have evolved, and what has been twisted by the media.

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If liking posts about executing democrats is okay in your book than I guess we have different principles WB.

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Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
If liking posts about executing democrats is okay in your book than I guess we have different principles WB.

Originally Posted by from the CNN hit piece
After CNN reached out to Greene, her personal Twitter account posted a statement in which she did not deny that she liked posts and replied to comments but claimed that many people have run her Facebook page.

"Over the years, I've had teams of people manage my pages. Many posts have been liked. Many posts have been shared. Some did not represent my views. Especially the ones that CNN is about to spread across the internet," she wrote.

You don't even try to be fair, M E M.

Speaking for myself hitting the thumbs-up for posts on Youtube, I've often read a post where it starts out making eloquent comments I agree with, and I hit the thumbs up before finishing, and get to the last sentence and it's some crazy stuff like "they should be shot" or "they should get the death penalty" or "they should be hung", or they go into some crazy antisemitic rant about how "the Jews" are the cause. And fortunately, I can hit the thumbs-down and it takes away my thumbs-up. It's possible those show in Youtube records as both a thumbs-up AND a thumbs-down by me, I don't know. But that's an example of how simply pushing thumbs-up doesn't mean you fully agree with the post you appear to like.

I also think the CNN piece is dishonest in several parts about Marjorie Taylor Greene.
For example...

Originally Posted by the CNN hit piece
After Democratic Rep. Jimmy Gomez called on Greene to be expelled from the House for her role in the insurrection, Greene condemned the violence at the Capitol and falsely accused "Antifa/BLM terrorism" and Democratic politicians of stoking the insurrection.

That's a flatout lie.

John Sullivan and another BLM activist were arrested. Their self-incriminating videos posted on Facebook and Twitter will expedite their prosecution. They were DIRECTLY involved in the shooting of Ashli Babbit, the ONLY true casualty of Jan 6th.
While officer Brian Sicknick also died, it is increasingly questionable whether any violence played a role in his death. Or if Antifa/BLM infiltrators were involved, if there was violence related to it. The last article I read speculated that it may have been a pepper spray or tear gas sprayed at him and other officers, but who sprayed it is still unknown, if it was sprayed. Through hours of investigated video of Sicknick and neighboring officers fighting protestors, there is no video of an extinguisher thrown at him. There was a separate incident outside on the capital steps where another person threw an extinguisher at others, but no reported injuries from that incident.
But the point being... BLM definitely were involved, openly boasted about it in their own videos, and were arrested by the FBI for it. So Green absolutely did not "falsely accuse" Antifa. CNN lied. Antifa were arrested and are being prosecuted.

Originally Posted by the CNN hit piece
CNN's KFile found additional comments from Greene where she called David Hogg, a survivor and activist, "#littleHitler" and spread a conspiracy that he was a "bought and paid little pawn" and actor.

First off, Parkland High School is about 12 miles up the street from me.

Second, David Hogg is a left-wing zealot, and he was exploited by the anti-gun Left as a spokesperson, for which he was paid, and consistently posted incendiary remarks on social media. So in the sense that he was a paid spokesperson for leftist groups, it is fair to say that he is a "paid little pawn and actor" exploiting the situation for his 15 minutes of fame, and getting paid for it.

It is unclear whether Marjorie Taylor Greene simply "liked" someone else's comment or reposted the "#littlehitler" hashtag. Or if it was even her, or one of her assistants using the account.

What Greene has said is that she went through a period where she was shaken by several scandals to have a distrust of government and the mainstream media, and listened to conspiracy theories and asked questions about them to clarify if they were true or not, and at times bought into them until she gained information that disproved them. I suspect there's context CNN is not making clear, in their eagerness to destroy Rep. Greene.

Originally Posted by the CNN hit piece
Before she ran for Congress in 2020, Greene created a White House petition in January 2019 to impeach the House speaker for "crimes of treason," citing Pelosi's support of so-called sanctuary policies that "are serving illegals and not United States citizens" and because Pelosi did not support Trump's border wall.
In one speech, promoting the petition, Greene suggested Pelosi could be executed for treason.
"She's a traitor to our country, she's guilty of treason,"
Greene says in the video, which she posted on Facebook at the time. "She [Pelosi] took an oath to protect American citizens and uphold our laws. And she gives aid and comfort to our enemies who illegally invade our land. That's what treason is. And by our law representatives and senators can be kicked out and no longer serve in our government.[for treason] And it's, uh, it's a crime punishable by death is what treason is. Nancy Pelosi is guilty of treason."

In another Facebook Live broadcast from inside Pelosi's office on February 22, 2019, Greene suggested the House speaker will "suffer death or she'll be in prison" for her "treason." Notably, Greene never mentions a trial. In another broadcast from later that day, she suggested California Rep. Maxine Waters was "just as guilty of treason as Nancy Pelosi."
In the comments of her Facebook posts, often promoting the petition, Greene liked a comment that said "through removal or death, doesn't matter, as long as she goes," referring to Pelosi, and another that encouraged Greene to "beat Pelosi's ass."
The petition for Pelosi's impeachment and removal for treason amassed over 420,000 signatures as of January 2021.

The fact that Greene wrote a petition, and 420,000 signed that petition to accuse Pelosi of treason, indicates Greene is pursuing a legal path and not a lynching to kill Pelosi or anyone else. Greene was not leading a lynch mob, or pursuing an actual execution. She seems to be saying that treason is a crime that could and historically has carried a punishment up to and including a death penalty. It's over the top rhetoric,granted, but she seems to be advocating just declaring Pelosi guilty of treason to drive her from office and possibly serve some kind of jail sentence. And even the most minor jail sentence would be highly unlikely to ever happen. But in any case, Greene was saying Pelosi COULD face a death penalty for treason, if the state chose to take it to that level. But in any case, appealing to the state to sentence Pelosi, not to just lynch Pelosi in the street.
420,000 agreed with her enough to sign a petition to that effect.

The "beat Pelosi's ass" part is clearly not literal, but to beat Pelosi politically. Like so many other calls to "kick their ass" in elections or other competitive situations. And again, the article acts like Greene suggested things that were just said by others and "liked" on Facebook, that she might have partially agreed with, not fully read, or may have been "liked" by assistants using her account.

Originally Posted by the CNN hit piece
Greene, who has embraced and spread the baseless conspiracy theory about a "deep state" working to usurp Trump's agenda, suggested in Facebook posts that FBI agents disloyal to Trump were traitors.

That one is listed as if Greene did something wrong. But I see absolutely nothing wrong or extreme about that assertion.
The Deep State is provably real by a hundred examples.

* The Obama-appointed leakers during Trump's presidency in the expanded National Security Council, that O'Brien was appointed to weed out and fire.

* Democrat operatives in the FBI and DOJ who manufactured the Russia Hoax, who conspired to bring the Russia Dossier in to DOJ and FBI through back doors despite that it was proven salacious and unreliable, but they used to manufacture a 9-month Russia Hoax FBI counterintelligence investigation the smear Trump, that they coordinated with reporters to leak to the press so they could have a Mueller special investigation appointed.

* That they used falsified evidence to get four consecutive FISA surveillance warrants to spy on the Trump administration.

* That they collaborated with Russian and Ukrainian agents to undermine Trump with falsified slanders in the 2016 election.
* That Gina Haspell in the CIA signed an order that for the first time allowed a whistleblower report to accuse the president, when before CIA or FBI or NSC could only whistleblow on someone else in their own agency. And no one knows when Haspell signed authorization for this change. And no one knows who put the change request on her desk.

* The fact that the FBI sent no agents, ZERO, NONE to investigated election fraud in aany of the 6 contested states in the Nov 3 2020 election. And yet they sent an army to investigate the Jussie Smollett case, they sent an army of agents to investigate a noose-hoax in a black Nascar driver Bubba's garage. They sent an army of agents to investigate a bunch of pickup trucks with Trump flags allegedly harassing a Biden campaign bus on a highway.
But FBI sent no agents, NONE, to investigate the evidence of the most consequential and fraudulent election of our lifetime.
But did send agents to harass and intimdate several election fraud witnesses into withdrawing their affidavit statements.

All of which gives weight to the fact there absolutely is a conspiratorial Deep State that works against anyone who threatens their power, and selectively buries any investigation that would incriminate them.

That is far from a fringe idea that exists exclusively in Marjorie Taylor Greene's mind. A large slice of the population sees evidence of a Deep State.

A Republican House vote propping up Liz Cheney's leadership position (despite that most of the Republican base even in her own state despises her) while voting the same day to keep Marjorie Taylor Greene off any House committees, is also testament to the power of the Deep State, the establishment surrender-caucus Republicans moving in acquiescence and lockstep with the Democrat authoritarian power structure, locking out any outsiders who threaten their hold on the system, the lobbyist rewards system that enriches the elite of both parties, whether the name is Biden, Obama, Clinton, McConnell, Boehner, Ryan, Graham, Cheney, Pelosi, Schumer, Reid, Kerry, or so many others.

Again, I refer you to the book OBAMANOMICS by Tim Carney, that doesn't use the term Deep State, but fully lays out the lobbyist structure that enriches both parties, where they serve corporate interests as public officials, and when they step down are rewarded with cushy high-paying positions for those companies in the private sector.
Or Michelle Malkin's book CULTURE OF CORRUPTION, that focuses quite a bit on the corporate lobby rewards to the Biden family.

I've noticed in the last 2 years that all of a sudden, any conservative network or publication or individual who cites facts the Left doesn't like is labeled on Wikipedia as a "conspiracy theorist" or "right wing" or "extremist", whether it is Fox News, OAN, Newsmax, Epoch Times, Breitbart, Washington Times, The Federalist, TownHall, DailyCaller, or any other conservative source.

And now it is being taken to the next level, where labels are not enough, and the Left want to crush and eliminate any dissenting news and information, with cancel-culture. Marjorie Taylor Greene is just this week's target.
As is the head of Gateway Pundit, whose Facebook page was taken down when he posted video of a Ryder-size truck pulling up to the election center in Detroit at 3 AM election night, to deliver tens of thousands of fraudulent ballots, snuck in the election HQ back door, observed by 4 sworn witnesses. That coincides perfectly with a spike in Joe Biden votes, and the win in Detroit for Biden. Gateway Pundit was silenced for telling the truth. But I'm sure that's just a conspiracy theory.

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In hearings with the two IRS whistleblowers, where Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene details how Hunter Biden flew a hooker from CA to DC, and not only brought a hooker across state lines (a violation of the Mann act), not only paid her from his millions in profits from selling political access to VP and President Joe Biden, but then further has the audacity to CLAIM PROSTITUTION AS A TAX DEDUCTION on his taxes, as if she was giving paralegal services.

Rep. Greene exposes Hunter Biden hooker tax deductions, A O-C changes subject

"This is not really what most paralegals do..."

Of course A O-C and other Democrats whined about it in fake outrage. Well played by Ms. Greene.

Not mentioned, Hunter Biden also claimed a sex club membership as a tax deduction, and other drug and sex purchases as tax deductions. That's some audacious chutspah.

And House Democrats in the hearing are only outraged that Taylor-Greene exposed it.
Ohhhh, OHHHH !!
How DARE you show this in committee hearings! Oh, tisk tisk !

These same Dems not at all outraged by the Bidens' open treason, or sex trafficking, exploitation or abuse of women, tax evasion, Hunter Biden's purchase illegally of a firearm, that he lied about his drug abuse to be able to purchase. Hunter Biden having sex with his sister in law, in between juggling endless strippers and hookers, knocking up a stripper and never acknowledging, visiting or paying support to his proven genetically tested paternal daughter. Neither President Joe Biden or any of the entire Biden family ever meeting or acknowledging as family his daughter.
Tens of millions in wire transfers from hostile governments to Joe, Hunter and other Biden family members in exchange for treasonous favors.
But OH !
How DARE you show those photos , Ms. Greene !

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