Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
After Trump I question the wisdom of having the President having the lone power to launch nukes. I’m not the bitter and hateful partisan that you are WB. I never felt that way with other republican presidents but trump really scared a lot of people outside of your cult. His reaction to his people invading and beating on cops as they tried stopping the election from being certified would have been scary enough but knowing that sociopath had the power to launch a nuke strike made it even scarier.

Because Trump launched so many nuclear strikes.... rolleyes
As president, Trump skillfullly pushed back the aggression of Russia, China, North Korea and Iran. And completely annihilated ISIS in Syria and Iraq. WITHOUT starting any wars. Trump proved himself to arguably better exert soft power than any U.S. president EVER.

I'm not hateful or bitter, it's YOUR OWN PARTY that wants to take away Biden's ability to control our nuclear weapons.
And it's not "bitter" for me to point out the terrifyingly obvious, that Biden can't even read his scripted comments off a cue card.

Just today, Biden couldn't remember the name of the defense secretary that he allegedly appointed !
In that same press conference, he couldn't even remember the name of the Pentagon !

Biden 'forgetting' his Defense Secretary's name, and the name of the Pentagon - March 8, 2021, Monday

Oh yeah, THIS guy is competent to protect us from nuclear attack....

And by Trump "cult" you mean the at least 74.3 million people who can see with our own eyes Trump was the most accomplished president in a single term.
That the Heritage Foundation ranked as accomplishing more in his first year than even Ronald Reagan.
Results. Facts.
Your side manufactures lying factless Democrat-Bolshevik narratives, but those are the true facts: Trump rebuilt the nation that Obama, W. Bush and Clinton destroyed.

That Biden (and/or his puppetmasters) are now destroying.