
Evidence Points to Major Vulnerabilities in Nov 2020 Election



I love how OAN does this in multiple stories. If OAN simply reported on election fraud in their own words, they would be dismissed by the other media, as "paranoid" or "right wing propaganda" or "tin foil hat conspiracy theorists".

But instead, Pearson Sharp quotes other mainstream liberal media stories from CNN, the New York Times, Politico, Washington Post and others, showing they reported the exact same facts that OAN is now accused of being "conspiracy theorists" for airing. It's bulletproof on OAN's part, OAN indicts the liberal media with their own past liberal-media reporting. And further shows that when the liberal media could portray Donald Trump as having won the election by fraud, they were eager to report it.

But when Biden won in Nov 2020, suddenly the mainstream networks made it off-limits to report the exact same facts. Instead selling the narrative that the election had perfect integrity. Making it clear the liberal media were reporting the facts in 2017-2020 to damage the integrity of Trump's 2016 election victory , and are censoring those facts now, in their role as the Ministry of Truth for the Obama administration. Sacrificing their journalistic integrity and lying to the American people, in an effort to keep Biden in power.