The maximum overdrive Democrat lunacy began with Trump's victory in Nov 2016.
It stepped up after the Democrat victories in Nov 2018, and the new House-member seating of "the squad" in jan 2019, and their daily bomb-throwing rhetoric, members including Alexanda Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley, Rashida Tlaib, and Ilhan Omar.
And the "step into them, create a crowd, let them know they're not welcome" rhetoric of Maxine Waters and other Democrat Bolsheviks.

I somehow overlooked this attack on a 71-year old staffer for a Republican House member :

Pretty brave, attacking a 71 year old woman. And then the Democrat activists posted video of their triumph over an old lady, posting all the video footage,.
Except for the portion where they attacked her, that would have landed them in jail.