Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
WB maybe it would be best to adopt the rules republicans used for their Benghazi thing. You seemed to think that was fair, lol. And you continue to make the case for a need for this commission. False narratives have a little more trouble under oath than conservative safe spaces like OAN.

Was anyone brought to trial or punished in the Obama administration for the negligence that resulted in the Benghazi attack?

Was it ever even disclosed WHERE OBAMA AND HILLARY EACH WERE during the 6 hours or so of the attack, viewed in the White House situation room in real time on embassy cameras, where in all that time no aid was given to those 4 courageous veterans who disobeyed orders to save about 40 embassy staff?

Was there a vigorous investigation to find those captured on camera attacking the embassy and living freely in Benghazi for YEARS after the attack without fear?
Were State Department and CIA staffers ACTUALLY PUNISHED and DEMOTED and had their careers ended for coming forward to tell the truth in Senate hearings?

You KNOW the answers.
So investigation of the Benghazi attack was likewise a sham that let Democrats go unpunished for their criminal negligence that cost lives.