
Judge Contends Justice Department Biased Against Jan. 6 Protesters

OAN Newsroom
Sunday, October 3, 2021

A federal judge suggested the Department of Justice has been biased in its sentencing of January 6 protesters. During the sentencing of accused protester Danielle Doyle on Friday, U.S. District Court Judge Trevor McFadden suggested rioters in Washington D.C. and elsewhere during 2020’s civil unrest were given lesser sentences than those who participated in the incident at the Capitol.

McFadden added the Justice Department would “have more credibility if it was even-handed in its concern about riots and mobs in the city.” He also questioned why more protesters throughout the 2020 riots weren’t brought to court.

During her time before the district judge, Doyle expressed her love for the country as well as her intentions on January 6.

“I love this country,” she expressed. “So many people came here to represent things that were important to us, but in the blink of an eye, all of those things were overshadowed.” she said.

McFadden’s comments come as prosecutors continue to claim the January 6 event was far more detrimental to the U.S. than the dozens of violent protests of 2020.

I've already detailed repeatedly all the different false narratives by the Democrat/Left and liberal media regaarding the protests on January 6th:

* by the DC coroner's office regarding Officer Brian Sicknick's death,
* the cover-up and false narratives from the Capitol police officers and leadership.
* Even the New York Times has retracted their narrative (now that it has allowed the Democrats to seize power on Jan 20th, and ram through their legislation, and have tyranically imprisoned about 600 innocent people who are only guilty of "trespassing" on Jan 6th, if they are guilty of any crime at all.
* putting on a show of intimidation to silence their conservative critics.

Along with:
* further purges of any military who have posted pro-Trump social media posts,
* and now a purge of police, military, teachers and other government-employed people who won't get a PROVEN ineffective vaccine. Many who have been vaccinated, including many highly visible government officials, have been infected with Covid-19 regardless of being fully vaccinated. By some studies the vaccinated are infected at an even higher ratio of infection.

So the real purpose of the Jan 6th narrative, of the Covid-vaccine purges, is purging and displacing Republicans, and replacing them with Democrats, to consolidate their power. Not any logical security or medical policy. And also purging and replacing any Democrats or independents who also oppose and resist the Democrat party narrative.