
FBI Counterterrorism Official Testifies No Protesters Charged With Possessing Firearms On Capitol Grounds

No firearms, no "insurrection", no "storming of the capital".
This exposes the Democrat/Left's entire narrative for January 6th as a lie.

While simultaneously, Democrat leaders and the liberal media selectively ignore the ACTUAL insurrection and destruction of BLM and Antifa in over 275 cities during 2020, and ongoing into 2021.

While simultaneously ignoring that the destruction and rioting of the Left was worse during the Brett Kavanaugh hearings.

Ignoring that it was worse when BLM/Antifa laid siege to the White House, to the point that they evacuated President Trump to a secure location. 50 Secret Service agents were injured during that siege.
On what other occasion have so many Secret Service agents been injured. Never.

The Left ignores facts, except when they support their Democrat-Bolshevik narrative.
The Democrat Left hates police, except when they can weaponize them in propaganda to support their narrative.

