
This whole Steve Bannon thing is another smoke-and-mirrors Democrat lying narrative.

Yesterday the Democrat-Bolshevik House majority found Steve Bannon in contempt of Congress, for not permitting a fishing expedition into his records (Laventiy Beria parallel again) in another example of "show me the man and I will give you the crime."

And I wondered, What is the basis for them investigating Steve Bannon? What did he actually do, what is he even alleged to have done?

I looked long and hard, and the only place I could find the case halfway made is at anti-Trump propaganda central at CNN:

All this says is that Bannon made a few phone calls to Trump, and pushed him to make January 6th a big protest event, to essentially make January 6th a "last stand" with a visible protest to accompany a contesting of the rigged electoral vote, to challenge the validity of the electoral vote and undermine Joe Biden's legitimacy as a legally elected president.
Y'know... pretty much what the Democrats did to Trump for 4 years, only with actual facts on Trump's side, and not illegally weaponizing DOJ, FBI, IRS and CIA to frame Biden, as the Democrats did to Trump.

There's nothing in this article (it's a CNN article, so it's a given this is the worst possible light they could portray) about any proposed armed "insurrection" or "siege" of the Capitol, just to protest and make a vocal case for election fraud that the news media would have to cover, and hopefully have vice president Pence delay the elector-vote finalization. So as to create a televised debate for several weeks, to inform the American public what actually occurred, that Republican Senate and House members could make a case for in televised hearings for 2 or 3 weeks, without the filter of the liberal media preventing the case from being made, as had occurred up till then.
Unfortunately that didn't end up happening.
Because the 20 or so "un-indicted co-conspirators" (i.e., FBI agents disguised as Trump supporters, inciting violence), and John Earle Sullivan's BLM/Antifa group (disguised as Trump supporters, inciting violence) were successful in hijacking perception and media coverage of the protest rally, to frame Trump and his supporters as "white supremacist insurrectionists".