Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
Shocking (not) that polls like election results are only acceptable when you like them WB,

I've said multiple times that polls, whether they gel with my opinion or the reverse, are a "survey of the uninformed", that it measures public perception rather than their knowledge of the actual facts. That I like when they agree with my opinion, but either way they are not absolute.

But in this case...
As I showed in the above link at Redstate.com, that shows a list of ALL polls and an average of all polls, there is a clear and growing universal disdain and massive drop in support for Biden and the Democrat-Bolsheviks, not just one outlier poll. Because the Democrat leadership have demonstrated such contempt for even the grassroots Democrats who voted for them, who voted for Biden as a promised moderate, whose policy has gone instead hard-left radical, the furthest radical-Left ever in U.S. history, and are ramming their covert agenda down all our throats:

  • * Biden lying about what his generals advised him to do in Afghanistan, and Biden did the exact opposite of what he was advised, with hundreds of Americans STILL, EVEN ALMOST 90 DAYS LATER, trapped in Afghanistan, threatened, abducted, and tens of thousands of our Afghan allies, some of them spouses and children of U.S. veterans, trapped in Afghanistan and threatened, some of them beheaded. With the Biden administration doing NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to rescue them. The opposite of helping, actually obstructing private attempts to rescue them and fly them out to neighboring nations. Biden has not even mentioned the hostages trapped in Afghanistan in about 80 days. No effort to help them.

    * Biden immediately cancelled the Keystone XL pipeline, and banned oil drilling on public lands and adjacent lands that Trump had previously opened up to drilling. Making the U.S. oil independent and a net exporter of oil and natural gas for the first time in over 70 years. And then Biden pretends he doesn't know why oil prices are rising, when the Democrats deliberately created an artificial scarcity to make oil prices "necessarily skyrocket" (Barack Obama's publicly stated vision in 2008) , to push the American public to use so-called green energy sources instead. This is all deliberately caused by the Democrats. And it is not only creating artificial scarcity and a price rise in the U.S., but also worldwide, thinning the global supply of oil by suddenly and arbitrarily slashing U.S. oil production overnight.

    * Through spiking oil prices, Biden has caused a stifling of employment with stay-at-home subsidies for workers, thus thinning the labor pool, implementing laws and executive orders that prohibit non-union truckers in California, further thinning available labor at ports to unload ships, and creating a scarcity of truckers to transport good from ports to retail stores across the country, through firing at least 20 to 30% of workers nationwide overnight: police, firemen, hospital doctors and nurses, restaurant workers, dock workerss, truckers, military contractors. ALL these things combined are creating shortages of goods, an increase in prices, and causing the closing of many businesses. ALL this is Biden's fault, both Biden and his puppetmasters.
    * inflation caused by the above closures and labor scarcity.

    * Multiple huge new Democrat trillion-dollar spending bills, that are basically slush funds for Democrats to reward their friends and punish their enemies, to consolidate Democrat authoritarian power over the entire nation.
    - A $1.9 trillion deceitfully named "Covid relief bill", of which in truth at most 9% was actually used for Covid programs, the rest used for funding Planned Parenthood, NEA, PBS, and other Democrat allies.
    - A currently proposed (and failing) $3.5 trillion "Infrastructure bill" that is another Trojan horse for Democrat Bolshevik power consolidation, buried within it a proposal to take away power of individual states to legislate their own individual election laws and allow either party equal election monitoring and ability to challenge elections as corrupt, with new rules only allowing the party in power (the Democrats) to challenge or monitor elections, and once that happens Democrats with a federalized central control over all state elections has permanent control of all future elections, and the Democrats never lose another election. Sen Joe Manchin just today said that the lower $1.75 trillion proposal is another Democrat trojan horse, that the bill initially priced at 1.75 trillion actually opens a door that requires further spending that would rise to or exceed the initial $3.5 trillion price tag. He called his own party's bill a smoke and mirrors deception, and called for honesty and a fully written bill, not another "you have to pass it to see what's in it" scam.

    * Critical race theory in schools, that as demonstrated in Loudon County and other very blue regions. When even parents in very DEMOCRAT regions show up angry at PTA meetings and demand teaching critical race theory be abolished and that PTA leftist radicals who snuck it in to schools resign, teacher unions wrote to the DOJ, and then attorney general Comrade Commissar Merrick Garland weaponized the FBI to declare parents domestic terrorists (just like the Jan 6th false narrative) to be "domestic terrorists", to suppress parents from overturning the schools' radical Democrt-radical-orchestrated Cultural Marxist /CRT curriculum.
    The results of that power grab, at both the DOJ and PTA levels, is being seen tonight in the governor races in Virginia and New Jersey, both deeply blue states that (by the highly disputable official Nov 2020 numbers anyway, if not unquestionably rigged ) both New Jersey and Virginia in just oen year now have swung almost 20 points the other way, where both Republican candidates are winning by 3 and 4-point margins. Because of outrageous over-reach on Critical Race Theory in a secretive and deceitful manner by Democrats, in schools and states nationwide. Likewise the Covid-19 vaccination mandates for teachers and children, despite that even many vaccinated people get Covid anyway. There is no science to back the vaccine mandates, the vaccine neither stops infection or speead of the virus, even after vaccination. And children are more likely to die of vaccine complications than by covid infection itself.

    * Hyperinflation

    * Open borders

    * offering $450,000-per child "compensation for emotional trauma" to ILLEGALS breaking into our country, putting millions in their accounts, while Democrats in the proposed 3.5 trillion "Infrastructure Billl" are legislating a more than doubling of the current 75,000 IRS agents, adding another 87,000 agents. And new laws buried in the (again deceitfully named) "Infrastructure Bill" forcing banks to report any transaction of $600 or more to the IRS, so they can harass and audit any halfway influential into bankruptcy and submission, from billionaires to blue-collar Republicans they want to target.

On and on, the Bolshevik authoritarian controls introduced, and the holy war on a independent and conservative dissenting thought, using the full weight of the IRS, FBI, ATF and other federal law enforcement branches, the DOJ, the CIA, NSA, OSHA, using the education system (through CRT and Covid vaccine purges) , using military contractor companies (and their Covid purges of dissenting employees), mandating Covid-purges of employees in any large company with 100 or more employees , and in every other weaponized branch of the federally controlled public and private sector, to crush and destroy all opposition to the Democrat-Bolshevik rationalized Covid-power grab. But even doctors and nurses, those most familiar with the science on Covid and the vaccine offered, are refusing immunization, and are choosing unemployment rather than compliance.
That tells you a great deal, right there.
Held up as heroes for 18 months, and then suddenly demonized by the Democrats and Orwellian liberal media, fired for allegedly being a"super-spreaders". These doctors and nurses have been on the front line of Covid treatment every day, are the people who best know the vaccine mandate is a lying Democrat narrative, not backed by the science.

The ultimate goal of the Democrats is socialism, or outright communism with no "socialist" or "Democrat-Socialist" euphemisms. The Democrat leadership's goal is absolute control of every aspect of Americans' lives, where people cannot even feed themselves and survive through a job, or keep a home without government assistance. The goal of Democrats is to create individuals' complete dependency on a Democrat socialist state for everything they have, so as to guarantee they will re-elect the Democrats who have set up and provide everything they need to survive. Because that worked so well in Soviet Russia, Maoist China, Vietnam, Camodia, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua...

For over 100 years, every one of these marxist regimes has seen complete collapse of their economies, and authoritarian zealots keeping a grip on power only by through football fields of unmarked mass graves of the bodies of their political dissenters, each with signs of torture and a uniform bullet to the back of the head. THESE are the fanatical regimes that Obama, Hillary, Biden, Sanders, Ocasio-Cortez, Tlaib, Omar and the rest of the Democrat-Left admire and emulate.
I've quoted them many times before :

  • Ron Bloom, Obama's transportation czar: "We agree with Mao, that capitalism is mostly a sham, and that power is mostly administered at the barrel of a gun..."

    Mark Lloyd, Obama's FCC "diversity czar", discussing Hugo Chaves' seizure and takeover of Venezuela news media: "Very effective, and a good model to follow."

    Anita Dunn.

    Van Jones.

    Valerie Jarrett.

    All cultural marxist radicals to the core. Many key Obama officials. And many similar-minded officials that are less visible behind-the-scenes puppetmasters in the Biden administration: Susan Rice, Anthony Blinkin, Kamala Harris, Lloyd Austin, Janet Yellin, Xavier Bacera, Denis McDonough, Alejandro Mayorkas, Avril Haines, Ron Klain.
    All previously in high positions int he Obama administration, now given even more power to advance their radicalism in the Biden administration. These hidden officials are the actual power and source of radical policy, for which Biden is just the half-conscious figurehead.

    These Democrat lunatics routinely fantasize about putting Trump supporters in Gulags (Project Veritas again, said by seversal Bernie Sanders' highest campaign officials, recorded saying it on video.)

    Multiple Democrat campaign consultants on social media were ecstatic about Rep. Scalise and others being shot at and almost killed, at the Congressional baseball game, describing the shootings as "a good start" and openly hoping for more Republicans shot ! Not just random basement-dwelling yokels, these comments were said by Democrat pollsters and aides!

    A PBS lawyer executive (taped by Project Veritas) called for HHS to take away children of Republicans/Trump supporters and have them raised by the state to break their parents' ability to instill them with conservative values.

    Jennifer Rubin of the New York Times called after the Nov 2020 election to "Crush the Republican party so completely it can never come back."

    Former Bill Clinton cabinet member Robert Reich called in an editorial for former Trump officials to be forced to confess their crimes in publicly televised show trials. Literally, those kind of "five minutes hate" show trials come straight from Stalinist Russia and Maoist China.

On and on.
These are just a few examples.

The Democrat party expresses its hatred for Trump supporters and broader Republicans, calls for violence against them as somehow justified, calls for them to be put in Gulags and tormented, crushed, humiliated, EXACTLY the tactics of the Soviet Russians and the Maoist Chinese. Even Democrat media rhetoic has the same wording and talking points as the Chinese Communist government.
And somehow grassroots Democrats don't see the radicalism and danger to the entire country from this, the outright marxist radicalism.
These Clinton, Obama and Biden officials openly admire people like Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Castro, Che Gueverra, Chaves, the Sandinistas, Saul Alinsky, and openly advocate their lawless tactics of violence and intimidation.
And even when Democrat leaders have implemented massive weaponized abuse by government on their political opposition, it somehow doesn't register to grassroots Democrats in their indoctrinated minds that these Democrat leaders are destroying our Constitutional republic and moving toward a similar genocide as the marxist regimes they admire, that these Clinton/Obama/Biden appointees emulate, in no uncertain terms. Democrats from the grassroots to the leadership level openly advocate this weaponization of government, its violence, and its purges.

Although it's comforting that up to 20% of Democrat voters are repulsed by this marxist power grab, and voted for 2 Republican governors tonight.