Originally Posted by Matter-eater Man
I no longer take your word for anything WB. Conservapedia like yourself is overtly biased btw. Officer Strickland was attacked and sprayed with chemicals that left him incapacitated for a period of time. That you would claim he was completely uninjured is just a lie you repeat along with all the others. I see you for who you are WB. You don’t fool me anymore.

So in other words, you only trust hyper-biased LIBERAL media.
And conservative media that cites the facts that are selectively omitted by the rabidly Democrat-partisan LIBERAL media you take at face value, despite their repeated lies they have been caught in over the last 5 years. And despite the liberal media's stated holy mission to partisanly destroy Trump and Republicans and advance the Democrat/cultural marxist/BLM/Antifa/anti-American cause.

You act like the facts I cited and quoted are "right-wing". No, they are just the facts, that the liberal media tries to pretend don't exist. As I've said before, multiple highly respected and award winning LIBERAL journalists such as Sharyl Attkisson, Glenn Greenwald, Lara Logan, , Bernard Goldberg, Ron Kessler, and John Solomon, spent decades working for liberal networks and newspapers, but were compelled by conscience to resign and break their contracts to leave those organizations and their high salaries and secure careers, TO ACTUALLY OBJECTIVELY REPORT THE NEWS as they previously had for decades, instead of lowering themselves to churn out partisan one-sided liberal propaganda that the liberal media has become over the last 10 years.
In the case of Glenn Greenwald, he was forced to leave a news organization HE CREATED !
In the case of Sharyl Attkisson, for CBS and CNN she did acclaimed investigative journalism for years on the George W. Bush administration and won awards and praise from her employers. But when she attempted afterward with the same objectivity to do the same investigative reporting of the Obama administration, her reports were edited and softened by CBS, or not broadcast at all.
So she resigned.
And her computers and files were hacked and deleted after by what investigating cyber-experts told her was intelligence community-level hacking and software. Obama's KGB.

So spare me the sermons about "overtly biased" and "right-wing" sources. The news you "trust", the 80% liberal/Pravda media, won't permit anything other than Party Line talking points to be reported, and have been proven to present deliberately false information over and over, ACTUALLY WORKING IN COLLABORATION with Democrats and the Democrat-KGB FBI, DOJ and intelligence community to manufacture that lying narrative. Whereas networks like FOX still report the facts even when reported events make conservatives look bad. And FOX and other conservative media give equal time and balanced coverage to liberal perspective. Juan Williams and other liberals have even substituted as hosts for Bill O'Reilly and other FOX hosts. Would you EVER see that on MSNBC or CNN? No, you wouldn't.
On a show like Rachel Maddow, she gets the first and last word, and never has conservatives debate her live on the air, she only shows conservative video clips that she has absolute control of, that she can slice and dice. Whether CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, New York Times, Washington Post, Politico, Vox, or the harpies on The View, these people deliberately misrepresent the truth and have no interest in journalism.
Whereas the conservative media, for whatever lesser biases (no one is completely without biases or opinions) have a priority of objectivity and journalistic integrity.

In contrast to the liberal media, as represented by the on-air words of Lester Holt, that "Objectivity is over-rated".
And these are the people you trust for your "news".
How many times do the 80% liberal media (and 93% among Washington-based media correspondents) have to openly state their bias, their stated holy mission to advocate for the Democrat/Left and crush Republicans no matter what the facts? Their getting caught over and over DELIBERATELY getting the stories wrong to prop up the Democrat narrative?

The New York Times and Washington Post have most recently retracted their narratives reported for months and years, about the Trump "Russia collusion" narrative, and about the death of officer Brian Sicknick. And still you allege "right-wing bias" when it is the liberal media and Democrat Bolsheviks, who are over and over caught lying and manufacturing false reporting and false evidence.

While Republicans and the conservative media are over and over proven to have gotten the facts right, while the 80% liberal media got it wrong and been shamefully exposed for DELIBERATELY reporting it wrong, as part of a conspiracy in collaboration with the Democrats officials, Democrat/Deep State FBI and DOJ, and Democrat partisans in the intelligence community(James Clapper, John Brennan and Gina Haspel, to name a few.) The liberal media actually even rewards PROVEN liars like James Clapper, Andrew McCabe, John Brennan and James Comey with high-paying opinion consultant positions. And these people you trust for "objective" news.
They have been proven wrong, proven LIARS, proven CRIMINALS, over and over, for years !