

Only 33 percent of adult citizens approved of Joe Biden’s job performance, a record low for the president in a Wednesday Quinnipiac poll.
The poll revealed Biden’s approval rating has dropped three points since November. Biden’s 33 percent beats former President Trump’s worst approval rating by one point, according to Gallup polling.

Among independents, the Quinnipiac poll showed 25 percent approved of Biden’s job performance. Fifty-eight percent of independents disapproved.
Moreover, just 75 percent of Democrats approve of Biden’s performance. Fourteen percent of Democrats disapproved. In November, 87 percent of Democrats approved of Biden, 12 points more than in January.

Registered voters marked Biden slightly higher at (35-54 percent). November’s polling marked approval of Biden’s job performance three points higher (38-53 percent).
Respondents also gave Biden marks in the 30s for his management of the economy, foreign policy, and coronavirus response:

The economy: 34 percent approve, while 57 percent disapprove

Foreign policy: 35 percent approve, while 54 percent disapprove

Coronavirus response: 39 percent approve, while 55 percent disapprove

The poll sampled 1,313 adults nationwide from January 7-10 with a margin of error of 2.7 percentage points.

And that's with a liberal polling agency, that probably under-estimates how unpopular Biden really is.

7% inflation in one year, the highest annual inflation in 40 years, a doubling of gas prices in one year.
Enabling and encouraging Russia, China and Iran to military aggression through Biden's incredibly weak foreign policy.
The collapse of Afghanistan, and no generals or defense officials were fired, for the most colossal failure in U.S. military history. And these woke/leftist incompetents are who we still trust to defend the United States itself !
Over 2 million illegals pouring across our border completely unvetted.
Supply chain breakdown and empty store shelves.
An explosion of violent crime in major cities... I'm frankly wondering how Biden can even show 33% support at this point, even among Democrats.