Originally Posted by Wonder Boy
Originally Posted by iggy
Also of note, you use the word fact like you're trying to convince yourself and pivoted away from the fact that you spun cable ratings into being representative of the majority opinion of Americans. Suck. A. Fucking. Dick.

No, I cited facts.

It is a fact that Democrat election officials prevented Republican observers across at least 7 states from actually observing counting of the votes in Nov 2020.

It is a fact that they made them stand at ridiculous distances away that they couldn't possibly observe as votes were fraudulently counted.

It is a fact that in many cases, in multiple cities, they threw Republican observers out of the counting rooms so they couldn't observe the fraud occurring at all.

It is a fact that in Maricopa County, AZ, the elections officials didn't have the knowledge to count the votes themselves, and relied on Dominion Voting Systems to count the ballots for them (a group that to a man and woman despises Trump) and whose director of systems security said to a witness "Trump won't win, I made fucking sure of that."

That Dominion shared executive office space with George Soros-funded leftist groups.

It is a fact that virtually everyone in Dominion are supporters of Antifa and Black Lives Matter, and more broadly the Democrat party, and many even to the Clinton Foundation, and that they scrubbed their social media accounts to hide the venom they've each posted extensively online. Proof they were all deeply invested in Biden winning, and had the technological means to make that happen.

It is (again) a fact that Trump was winning in all 7 contested states, and then the election count was stopped at 3AM, and then at 8 AM, with no Republican observers perrmitted to be present to legitimize and confirm it, Biden pulled a few million votes out of a magic hat and won in all 7 states.

It is a fact that local state elections supervisors, that state House and Senate members, that U.S. House and Senate members, that state judges, that Supreme Court judges, faced threats and intimidation if they challenged the rigged 2020 election.
It is a fact that multiple streams of election fraud have been found and reported by investigators in Maricopa County, Arizona , in Atlanta,Georgia, in Philadelphia, PA , in Detroit, Michigan, in Wisconsin. And investigators of Dominion machines have found massive vote rigging in rural Michigan , and in New Hampshire and in Montana, among other places. All of which I linked previously.

It is a fact that the state of Texas before the 2020 election declined to use Dominion voting machines, because multiple investigation consultants called to check their reliability were alarmed at how easy the Dominion machines were to hack. One of these private consultants was former army intelligence cyber-security expert Col. Phil Waldron. That these consultants tried to inform multiple federal agencies of the risk that still existed in other states using Dominion and other voting machines, including attempted warnings to the 97% Democrat-donating FBI, to DHS, and federal elections officials, but these investigators were ignored, almost as if these agencies wanted election fraud to happen.

It is a fact that 3 Senators (Amy Klobuchar, Ron Wyden, and Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren, two of them presidential candidates) and 1 House member Mark Pocan all vocally warned of the easy hackability of Dominion voting machines and risk to the nation this presented, presenting a signed statement to Congress pressing to protect election integrity by not using Dominion machines.

But y'know, then their team won by election fraud in 2020, and it was scrubbed from their three official Senate websites, and suddenly they had no interest in the threat of election fraud. Oops. Never mind.

It is a fact that even CNN warned of the threat of election fraud using Dominion machines.

Originally Posted by Wonder Boy

Evidence Points to Major Vulnerabilities in Nov 2020 Election

I love how OAN does this in multiple stories. If OAN simply reported on election fraud in their own words, they would be dismissed by the other media, they would be dismissed as "paranoid" or "right wing propaganda" or "tin foil hat conspiracists".

But instead, Pearson Sharp quotes other mainstream liberal media stories from CNN, the New York Times, Politico, Washington Post and others, showing they reported the exact same facts that OAN is now accused of being "conspiracists" for airing. It's bulletproof on OAN's part, OAN indicts the liberal media with their own past liberal-media reporting. And further shows that when the liberal media could portray Donald Trump as having won the election by fraud, they were eager to report these exact same Dominion voting machine easily hackable vulnerabilities.

But when Biden won in Nov 2020, precisely because of these vulnerabilities, suddenly the mainstream networks made it off-limits to report the exact same facts. Instead selling the narrative that the election had perfect integrity. OAN makes it clear the liberal media were reporting the facts in 2017-2020 to damage the integrity of Trump's 2016 election victory , and are censoring those facts now, in their role as the Ministry of Truth for the Obama administration. Sacrificing their journalistic integrity and lying to the American people, in an effort to keep Biden in power.


Democrats Senators warned of election security before 2020 elections, flipped after


New York Times Denies Election Fraud, Ignores Own Reports Warning About Potential Dangers Of Election Fraud


Terry MCCauliffe, DEMOCRAT Virginia governor and Clinton operative, warns in 2019 of voting machines hackability

FACTS, Iggy.
Facts you'd like to pretend don't exist.

So YOU go suck a fucking dick. Asshat. Moron. Shithead.

Sore loser screed from a guy whose guys with all the evidence won't testify under oath. Cope harder.