Originally Posted by iggy
I'm not going to go all-in on two screeds.

"Screeds", your silly meaningless word.
In other words, my factually sourced statements.

Originally Posted by Iggy
I'll just point out that all Biden had to do was play it safe and not lose because Trump chose to shoot himself wildly in the foot with everything from his covid response (which I don't think there necessarily was a "good" response) to--at the very least--optically allowing himself to be portrayable as dude that tear-gassed people for a photo-op. This, when you only barely won those blue "firewall" states in 2016 and was facing someone that could at least optically look like an alternative to those voters, was horrifically self-inflicted. It doesn't take relying on stories of voter fraud to figure out how Trump lost. Biden pulled people either from Trump or in to balance against Trump in the states where he needed to while Trump pushed people away with with some bad decisions and optics. That's it. No fraud or anything like that. He was just a guy who squeezed by in the electoral college despite losing the popular vote in his first election that made a bunch of missteps leading to him losing in his second election. He then threw a tantrum and you hate leftists with a blinding passion so you ran with it. Reality: Dubya ran a better reelection campaign and won both the popular and electoral vote the second time around because of that. Cope harder.

That doesn't hold up to scrutiny. Trump oversaw the greatest economic boom in over 50 years. The highest growth, surpassing that of Reagan, W. Bush, or Obama. The lowest recorded black unemployment, the lowest recorded hispanic unemployment, lowest women's unemployment.
Trump re-negotiated trade deals with virtually every international trading partner in the U.S.'s favor, Trump secured the border, Trump re-built our military. Against the establishment of both parties, Trump averted a trillion-dollar war they wanted in Iran.
On the economic growth issue alone, Trump should have won in a landslide comparable to Ronald Reagan's 49-state sweep in 1984. And Trump was doing exactly that until 3 AM on election night, when 7 states suspended the vote count simultaneously, WHICH HAS NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE IN A U.S. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION.

And only then, with multiple deceitful irregularities, did Biden overnight, with only Democrats present and no Republican observers, who had been tricked into leaving, did Biden "win". They counted the ballots to see how far ahead Trump was, and over a period of two weeks scribbled enough fake mail-in ballots to manufacture a narrow Biden victory. There is no logical demographic argument for how those votes make any sense. In many regions there are more Biden voters than actual registered voters. You just choose to ignore the evidence.

Biden was and is a laughingstock, who couldn't attract even 50 voters to a 2020 campaign rally anywhere in the United States. There's no way Biden got more black votes than Barack Obama. There's no explanation of how blacks in other regions of the country voted less for Biden, but then, ONLY AFTER 3 AM and there were no Republican observers, did black voters in only a few key urban areas, suddenly start voting in far higher ratios for Biden, to narrowly give Biden the election.

The unprecedented election night suspension of the vote count across 7 states ALONE manifests massive organized election fraud, an unexplained breaking of the normal procedure.

Let alone states like Pennsylvania, where the Democrat governor and Democrat secretary of state slipped by executive orders that allowed mail-in ballots way past election day, bypassing Pennsylvania's state constitutional process that mandates ANY Pennsylvania election law change requires both state Senate and state House majority votes, and a further popular vote on election change law, to be valid and legal. That alone disqualifies Pennsylvania's 2020 electoral votes as illegal.
And similar fraudulent and orchestrated Democrat fraud, across AT LEAST the 6 contested states, and likely to some degree across all 50 states.