Originally Posted by iggy
Seriously, you have a whole fucking internet at your disposal and only need google to get the fucking job done.

Learn to pronounce
a long speech or piece of writing, typically one regarded as tedious.
"her criticism appeared in the form of screeds in a local film magazine"
a leveled layer of material (e.g., cement) applied to a floor or other surface.
level (a floor or layer of concrete) with a straight edge using a back and forth motion while moving across the surface.

Also, a number of states don't allow mail-in to be counted until election or changed their laws before the election to not allow them to be counted until election day. Pivotal states like Pennsylvania, NC, and Michigan are among those. Again, there is a whole fucking internet out there to look at and find this shit out rather than expecting all your "facts" to come from right-wing propaganda outfits that want to conflate processing with counting.

He lost. Fucking deal with it, you cultist.

But, please, continue to try to make small data points into a massive conspiracy to cover for the fact you picked a loser that took losing so badly as to try to foment a coup.

You still haven't explained how what I write is a "screed" and your hyperventilating insult and profanity-laden written opinion isn't. Shithead. Asshat. Fucknut. Moron. (See how easy that is? Yes, I can talk that way too, if only to give you a taste of your own profanity-laden spite. Shithead. )

You seem to be a cultist for the idea that Biden and the Democrats couldn't possibly have rigged the election, whereas I've CITED THE EVIDENCE, and just the tip of the iceberg, for how visibly it was manipulated and rigged by the Democrats. Deal with it. Cultist. Shithead. (See how easy that is?)

I already explained how the Pennsylvania governor and secretary of state undeniably broke state election law with executive orders, that should unquestionably disqualify the Pennsylvania 2020 electoral votes. And enough irregularities that GA, MI, WI, AZ and NV should also have warranted at least a delay of the electoral vote finalization on Jan 6 2021, and several weeks of joint-session debate on national television.
As I said, while technically they changed their voting laws to allow ballots without verification, and/or ballots to be received days or weeks after election day, they made those changes in ways that violated their state procedures for changing the election law.
And on top of that, they still cheated by many other ways beyond that, in multiple streams of election fraud.

"Foment a coup" is you making stuff up. Just like the Nov 3 2020 narrative is false, just like the Jan 6 2021 narrative is false. I only discussed what the true facts are. And look forward to an ACTUAL investigation, when Republicans regain the House majority, and hopefully the Senate as well. And the presidency in 2024.
The most recent "right track/wrong track" poll has Biden's presidency at 88% wrong track, the worst in the history of the question being asked.
I see a peaceful and rule-of-law dissent and pressure on Biden and the Democrats as the only way to win. No matter how much the Democrats abuse the system, falsely arrest and jail Trump supporters, no matter how much they weaponize and intimidate the public with a Democrat-weaponized FBI and IRS.

Whatever dreamland you live in, those are the true facts, and those Democrat weaponizations of government have been happening since Obama was inaugurated in Jan 2009, starting with weaponization of the IRS immediately in preparation for the 2010 and 2012 elections.
And quickly spread to Republican purges and political weaponization of FBI, DOJ, the State Department, CIA, and now even the Pentagon and the military.

That's not a "screed", that's just fact, as demonstrated by the actions and revealed messages and texts of Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Kevin Clinesmith, Bill Priestap, James Comey, Andrew McCabe and so many others who unquestionably abused their power to weaponize the FBI against Trump and his staff, and protect Hillary Clinton and others around her from prosecution.
The 97% Hillary Clinton donating FBI and DOJ.
