
Tucker Carlson, July 12 2022, Wednesday

Nothing much to worry about from a rigged election in 2020, empowering Biden and his Cultural Marxist puppetmasters to take control of our counrty.
Just hyperinflation.
And supply chain problems that could easily escalate into food shortages.
And spiking gas prices (even as Biden sells our reserves to India and China, that the Biden family profits from, at our expense and endangerment.) With no steps taken to secure our national fuel supply, to prevent a shutdown of our economy.
And $56 billion hosed away in Ukraine military and economic aid, with no oversight to see where the weapons are going. With hundreds of billions more to follow. (While not even spending $20 billion to secure our own southern border, while a record 3 million or more completely unvetted illegals pour into our country every year.)

While China pulls ahead of us economically as a direct result of the Covid-19 pandemic (and the Biden administration is too timid to even ask how that pandemic was released, incentivizing China to unleash on us whatever other killer viruses they're developing as bio-weapons.)

And while pissing off Russia so much that they threaten to use nuclear weapons on U.S. cities, that apparently Biden, while assuring us it's under control and just a threat, takes it seriously enough to run public service commercials on how to survive a nuclear missile attack. ("You got this." Yeah. Right)

Nope, nothing to worry about. Nothing at all.
I'd love to know who these 32% are who still support Biden in the most recent poll. I pray we can survive till January 20 2025. This is just the damage done in the first 18 months of Biden's term. It's terrifying what more could happen in the next 30 months. What has occurred in just this much time would be unimaginable, if we hadn't seen it happen. Although financial experts, military experts, energy sector experts, did warn the incompetents in the Biden administration this is exactly what would happen. And it did. Out of warped leftist ideology and a hatred of the country, I think this is exactly what many Biden officials WANTED to happen.

"Why Barack Obama wants to destroy America" - Dinesh D'Souza

Brian Kilmeade said that whoever is writing the cue-cards and what's loaded in the teleprompter is our real de facto president. And that Susan Rice and Ron Klain are the chief puppeteers when Joe Biden's lips move. But that it is in fact Obama who is the puppetmaster-in-chief. That it is Obama who (consistent with his ideologies of Cultural Marxism, Liberation Theology, and Anti-Colonialism) is trying to implode the United States, and transfer its wealth and power to nations of color, to nations of Marxist ideology, or just straight up to China.
For ideological reasons, but also perhaps to make millions for their treason in the process. It is impossible to overstate what danger the country is in.