Originally Posted by First Amongst Daves
Personally, having regard to the manner in which the documents were stored at MAL, I think he was just fucking sloppy, and his lawyers let themselves be bullied into signing that statement.

I think even Trump knows that giving documented secrets to the Russians and Saudis will give him jail time.

With all due respect, Trump did not select or organize the records himself, his lawyers did, in collaboration with the Government Services Agency and the FBI, at the time he moved out of the White House in Jan 2021.

And further, Trump and his lawyers communicated and gave full cooperation with the FBI the entire last 18 months.
They even sealed the records in a room with a padlock recently, EXACTLY as the FBI requested they do.

For the FBI to turn away from obvious full Trump cooperation, and suddenly go from zero to 200mph in a second and do an FBI raid, brandishing automatic weapons, and spending 9 hours going through every record and panty drawer in Mar A Lago they could, manifests obscene hubris and over-reach. They were looking for nothing in particular, because they have no clue what they're looking for, so they just demanded everything, and searched everything, for 9 hours.
You have no suspicion over why they wouldn't even let Trump's lawyers inside to observe or answer questions?
No suspicion about the secrecy, going to some piddly Bloom-County-Picayune corrupt Democrat-connected judge for the warrant, a warrant they wouldn't disclose for a week, and the Affidavit for the case they still won't reveal?

This is just another example of the Democrat-Weaponized FBI, on another suicide mission to manufacture a case against Trump, by whatever extra-legal and deceitful means.

A.G. Merrick Garland, FBI director Christopher Wray, and every person involved by the DOJ and the FBI are the actual criminals, not Trump.
Score another coup against the king by the Praetorian Guard. This is absolute shit garbage, and every piece of this ill-conceived FBI raid screams abuse of the system.
Three months before the midterm election... hey, definitely not a Democrat attempt to change the narrative right before the election, to desperately look for some contrivance to smear Trump before the 2024 election. Not at all... rolleyes

No raid on Hillary Clinton, who actually did destroy 33,000 documents, first revealing to the whole world what Bleachbit is. And on top of that smashing any connected computers and cel phones.
No raid on James Comey, who leaked top secret FBI documents in 2017, to trigger appointment of a Mueller special investigation of Trump, under false pretenses.
No raid on Hillary for earning hundreds of millions of dollars in foreign donations for the Clinton Foundation, taking millions from hostile governments, and selling access to her state department in exchange for over 100 million in donations to the Clinton Foundation. No investigation.
No raid on the home of Kevin Clinesmith, who forged documents to smear Carter Page, that allowed the FBI to falsely obtain FOUR illegal FISA warrants, by falsifying evidence submitted to a federal judge, each of the four times the warrants were approved.
No raids for similar crimes by Eric Holder, Sally Yates, Loretta Lynch, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Bill Priestap, Bruce and Nellie Ohr, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, on and on. All of whom had ACTUAL EVIDENCE against them, in writing, that proved their guilt.
But Trump, who to date has no evidence against him, just the wildest speculation that there MIGHT be evidence, who was already cooperating for 18 months with the FBI over the records in question, oh, HIM we have to raid !
Yeah, that makes sense...